Write down 3 similarities and 3 differences between fish and birds! Walk-In Take out your science notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda. Put your green slip in your period’s basket. Turn to the BACK of your notebook. Read the question and answer in sentences: Write down 3 similarities and 3 differences between fish and birds!
Turn in green slip from science letter – due Friday! Class Business Turn in green slip from science letter – due Friday! Reminder: Quiz on Friday on safety rules!
How To Do a Walk-In Question
Walk-In Procedure EVERY DAY, Take out your science notebook, folder, pencil box and agenda. Put your backpack where your group is told to put it. Make a neat stack out of your belongings.
How to do the Walk-In Work WALK-INS go AT THE BACK of your notebook, where you left off from the day before. (You do NOT need to start on a new page each day. That wastes paper!) Write the title “Walk-In” and the DATE at the far right.
Answering the question Read the question! You do not need to write it down. As you write your answer, RESTATE the question in your answer. Try your best to answer. You may look back at your notes! Each day, a group will be called randomly for a Walk-In check. These points go into the gradebook and cannot be made up! For full points: have all supplies out and neatly stacked, be working quietly, and at least TRYING to answer, even if you’re not sure.
Let’s try it! Start at the back . Write the title Walk-In and today’s date at the right. Answer this question: Write at least three ways plants and animals are the same and different. Try to be very specific! Restate: Three ways plants and animals are the same are … Three ways they are different are … Answer the question in sentence form.
Listen as we share answers! Every day, 2 or 3 people will be called on to share their answers. Let’s listen for similarities and differences. You may write things down to add to your answer.
Let’s do another one for practice! Write the title Walk-In and today’s date. Answer the question in sentences: Some scientists think birds may have evolved from dinosaurs. What evidence do you think supports this claim? Give at least 2 reasons.
One more for practice! Write the title Walk-In and today’s date. Answer in sentences: Is it more important for a scientist to be curious, or to be organized? Justify your answer by explaining your reasons!
Let’s work on names! Make an oval around tables 3, 4, 5 and 6. Spread out evenly. This is called the “oval app”. On your turn, say your name. Every 5 names, we will go back and repeat everyone’s name. At the end, a volunteer will have a chance to say everyone’s name. If you get them all, you get a lollipop! Eventually, everyone will be given a turn to say all the names. Then, we start working on last names too!
If you are done… 1. Finish writing out the safety rules and why they are important (yellow sheet is on demo table). 2. Continue/finish your scientific specimen sheet. Each group can have one box of crayons from the demo table, and one baggie of markers.