Strategic Plan of the Nineteenth Judicial Circuit Court of Lake County, Illinois
Most leaders, because they are under such enormous daily pressure, tend to focus on the small - - the minute and immediate; they have little time to think about potentially big, impactful changes. To me thats pathetic. Youve got to think about big things while youre doing small things, so that the small things go in the right direction. --Alvin Toffler--
Introduction Benefits of Strategic Planning Benefits of Strategic Planning Critical Trends Shaping the Courts in the Next Decade Critical Trends Shaping the Courts in the Next Decade Historical Timeline Historical Timeline Strategic Plan Strategic Plan The Process The Process The Plan The Plan Benefits of Strategic Planning Benefits of Strategic Planning Critical Trends Shaping the Courts in the Next Decade Critical Trends Shaping the Courts in the Next Decade Historical Timeline Historical Timeline Strategic Plan Strategic Plan The Process The Process The Plan The Plan
Benefits of Strategic Planning Focus on important and timely issues Coordination among Justice System Partners Guide for Future Actions Defensible Basis for Decision Making Presence and Involvement in the Community Accountability The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt Focus on important and timely issues Coordination among Justice System Partners Guide for Future Actions Defensible Basis for Decision Making Presence and Involvement in the Community Accountability The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dream Eleanor Roosevelt Eleanor Roosevelt
Why do Strategic Planning? A typical organization without a strategic plan & vision. A typical organization that has a strategic plan but is not in focus with the plan! A typical organization that has a strategic plan but is not in focus with the plan! A typical organization that has both a strategic plan & is in focus with the plan. A typical organization that has both a strategic plan & is in focus with the plan. A typical organization without a strategic plan & vision. A typical organization that has a strategic plan but is not in focus with the plan! A typical organization that has a strategic plan but is not in focus with the plan! A typical organization that has both a strategic plan & is in focus with the plan. A typical organization that has both a strategic plan & is in focus with the plan.
Strategic Planning helps Court Leaders Challenge court and justice system partners to think beyond day-to-day problems and crisis; Foster internal and external cooperation and collaboration; Develop better justice and community partnerships; Better allocate limited resources; Improve the day-to-day practice of court management, particularly case management; Improve both public communications and public perceptions of the courts and the justice systems; and, Create futures driven by the judiciarys deepest commitments: justice under law; independence and accountability; equality, fairness, and integrity; and public trust and confidence. Challenge court and justice system partners to think beyond day-to-day problems and crisis; Foster internal and external cooperation and collaboration; Develop better justice and community partnerships; Better allocate limited resources; Improve the day-to-day practice of court management, particularly case management; Improve both public communications and public perceptions of the courts and the justice systems; and, Create futures driven by the judiciarys deepest commitments: justice under law; independence and accountability; equality, fairness, and integrity; and public trust and confidence.
Critical Trends Shaping the Courts in the Next Decade Demand for culturally appropriate court and justice services. Greater emphasis on the courts role in society Changes in the family and in community values Demand for culturally appropriate court and justice services. Greater emphasis on the courts role in society Changes in the family and in community values
Critical Trends Shaping the Courts in the Next Decade - Continued Polarization of people by class, race, ethnicity and lifestyle preference Increasing demand for acceptance of alternative lifestyles Influence of the Mass Media on public opinion about crime & the Court System Growing shortage of quality staff Polarization of people by class, race, ethnicity and lifestyle preference Increasing demand for acceptance of alternative lifestyles Influence of the Mass Media on public opinion about crime & the Court System Growing shortage of quality staff
Critical Trends Shaping the Courts in the Next Decade - Continued Increased reliance on therapeutic approaches to court and justice services Increased demand for justice system performance accountability The emerging revolution in the delivery of legal services, including the bundling of legal, accounting, management & financial services Rapidly emerging information, networking & telecommunications technology Increased reliance on therapeutic approaches to court and justice services Increased demand for justice system performance accountability The emerging revolution in the delivery of legal services, including the bundling of legal, accounting, management & financial services Rapidly emerging information, networking & telecommunications technology
1994 Strategic Planning Process Initiated by Circuit Judges of Lake County 1995 First Strategic Planning Process Begins First Strategic Planning Process Begins National Center for State Courts provides technical assistance to facilitate initial steps National Center for State Courts provides technical assistance to facilitate initial steps 1st Judicial Planning Day conducted with Judges and Staff 1st Judicial Planning Day conducted with Judges and Staff 1996 First Strategic Plan is published & disseminated Historical Timeline
Key Highlights of the Strategic Plan Adopted plan and commitment made to the process in the future. Technology Enhancements Language Interpreter Lines for non-English speaking CRIMS - Adoption, Improvements PC at each workstation & Law Library Development of Software for Adult & Juvenile Departments, Court Administration, Judges & Jury Commission Adopted plan and commitment made to the process in the future. Technology Enhancements Language Interpreter Lines for non-English speaking CRIMS - Adoption, Improvements PC at each workstation & Law Library Development of Software for Adult & Juvenile Departments, Court Administration, Judges & Jury Commission
Key Highlights of the Strategic Plan Responding to Needs Domestic Violence Court & Specialized Probation Unit DUI & Sex Offender Probation Units FACE-IT B.S.A. Troop 19 Educational Staff at Juvenile Complex Expanded Traffic Safety Courses Responding to Needs Domestic Violence Court & Specialized Probation Unit DUI & Sex Offender Probation Units FACE-IT B.S.A. Troop 19 Educational Staff at Juvenile Complex Expanded Traffic Safety Courses
Key Highlights of the Strategic Plan Responding to needs (continued) Parenting classes for divorcing parents Sand Castle counseling program for children in divorce Custody Evaluator Training Divorce Mediation Program Major Civil Litigation Mediation Job Training Referral Program for support obligation Responding to needs (continued) Parenting classes for divorcing parents Sand Castle counseling program for children in divorce Custody Evaluator Training Divorce Mediation Program Major Civil Litigation Mediation Job Training Referral Program for support obligation
Key Highlights of the Strategic Plan Services to Better Government Compliance Program Kids Korner Law Library improvements & expanded hours Hearing Impaired Listening system Court Interpreter Training Program Special Public Services Services to Better Government Compliance Program Kids Korner Law Library improvements & expanded hours Hearing Impaired Listening system Court Interpreter Training Program Special Public Services
Key Highlights of the Strategic Plan Resources for Staff and Judges Resources for Staff and Judges Continuing Education for Judges & Staff Employee Recognition Program (6 Years) Enhanced Internal & External Communications Grant / Training Staff member Judicial Committees Resources for Staff and Judges Resources for Staff and Judges Continuing Education for Judges & Staff Employee Recognition Program (6 Years) Enhanced Internal & External Communications Grant / Training Staff member Judicial Committees
Key Highlights of the Strategic Plan Public Education Web Site Kids Law Day Seniors Law Day Boy Scout Law Merit Badge Day Red Ribbon Rally Day LCFDO & Municipal Open Houses Speakers Bureau Public Education Web Site Kids Law Day Seniors Law Day Boy Scout Law Merit Badge Day Red Ribbon Rally Day LCFDO & Municipal Open Houses Speakers Bureau
Key Highlights of the Strategic Plan Cooperation with Court Partners Cooperation with Court Partners Juvenile Justice Center Juvenile Justice Center J-Team J-Team County Planning County Planning Jail & Criminal Justice Study Jail & Criminal Justice Study Integrated Criminal Justice Information System Integrated Criminal Justice Information System Cooperation with Court Partners Cooperation with Court Partners Juvenile Justice Center Juvenile Justice Center J-Team J-Team County Planning County Planning Jail & Criminal Justice Study Jail & Criminal Justice Study Integrated Criminal Justice Information System Integrated Criminal Justice Information System
nd Strategic Planning Process Begins with Judge/Staff Committee Creation 2000 Trial Court Performance Standards adopted to serve as Strategic Plan Foundation Partner organizations, elected officials and others invited to meet with Judges to help identify key strategic points of plan Strategic Plan Published, Disseminated and Implementation Begins 5 Goals 22 Objectives 198 Strategies nd Strategic Planning Process Begins with Judge/Staff Committee Creation 2000 Trial Court Performance Standards adopted to serve as Strategic Plan Foundation Partner organizations, elected officials and others invited to meet with Judges to help identify key strategic points of plan Strategic Plan Published, Disseminated and Implementation Begins 5 Goals 22 Objectives 198 Strategies Where are we Today!
Key Elements of the Strategic Plan Outreach to Court Partners Balanced approach to system planning Adoption of Trial Court Performance Standards Alignment of internal resources Vision of the future in a changing environment Outreach to Court Partners Balanced approach to system planning Adoption of Trial Court Performance Standards Alignment of internal resources Vision of the future in a changing environment
Identification of Partners
â Justice â Restitution â Recognition â Compensation â Protection
Identification of Partners â Ensure job security â Provide guidance & direction â Ensure vision & commitment from the top â Coordinate services, programs & efforts â Establish priorities â Maintain a healthy & safe work environment â Instill culture of service to public
Identification of Partners â Maintain communication structures among justice agencies â Prompt resolution â Respect â Provide good public image â Deal with abuse & crime
Identification of Partners â Protection from crime â Provide information quickly â Deterrence â Control costs â Meet demands of special interest groups âSpeed in case dispositions â Find the truth â Advocacy of parents & / or children â Mediation â Judges above reproach
Identification of Partners â Help solve problems Gangs Substance abuse Abuse & neglect â Provide educational programming assistance â Ensure access to records â Quality Control of Services â Efficient channels of communications between service providers & court â Identification of Community Resources & Services
Identification of Partners â Provide accurate & timely information â Implement the management decisions made by Supreme Court rule â Keep the court system functioning efficiently â Good, well supported budget requests â Solicit & respond to public input âEnsure cooperation among different courts âModel good work habits
Identification of Partners â Help solve problems, e.g. Gangs Substance abuse Abuse & neglect â Provide educational programming assistance
Identification of Partners â Provide information, statistics, procedures, & newsworthy stories â Timely response to inquiries â Access to people, especially judges
Identification of Partners â Provide prompt resolution of cases â Provide access to records â Affordable costs
Identification of Partners âProvide helpful information â Fairness Low cost Communicate understandable procedures Speed Physical accessibility Understandable results Access â Properly communicated (in plain language) decisions â Finality â Ability to proceed pro se
Identification of Partners â Fair, thoughtful decisions â Timely decisions â Access to records â Efficient & accurate processing of paperwork â Security â Control of Docket â Consistency & predictability of outcomes & process â Respectful treatment from the judge â Avoid embarrassment in front of clients
Identification of Partners â Adequate equipment & staff to run an efficient court â Good working conditions â Positive perception of courts by public â Minimal scheduling conflicts â Cooperation of lawyers, police, & other justice system participants
Strategic Plan 2000 The five areas of emphasis based on the Trial Court Performance Standards model : I. Access to Justice II. Expedition & Timeliness III. Equality, Fairness, & Integrity IV. Independence & Accountability V. Public Trust & Confidence The five areas of emphasis based on the Trial Court Performance Standards model : I. Access to Justice II. Expedition & Timeliness III. Equality, Fairness, & Integrity IV. Independence & Accountability V. Public Trust & Confidence
To the end that unnecessary barriers to its services shall be eliminated, the Circuit Court of Lake County adopts the following standards and strategies: To the end that unnecessary barriers to its services shall be eliminated, the Circuit Court of Lake County adopts the following standards and strategies: A.PUBLIC PROCEEDING The Circuit Court of Lake County shall conduct its proceedings and other public business openly.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall conduct its proceedings and other public business openly. B.SAFETY, ACCESSIBILITY & CONVENIENCE The Court facilities shall be safe, accessible, and convenient to use.The Court facilities shall be safe, accessible, and convenient to use. C.EFFECTIVE PARTICATION All who appear before the Court shall be given the opportunity to participate effectively without undue hardship or inconvenience.All who appear before the Court shall be given the opportunity to participate effectively without undue hardship or inconvenience. D. COURTESY, RESPONSIVENESS, & RESPECT Judges and other trial court personnel shall be courteous and responsive to the public and accord respect to all with whom they come into contact.Judges and other trial court personnel shall be courteous and responsive to the public and accord respect to all with whom they come into contact. E. AFFORDABLE COSTS The costs of access to the courts proceedings – whether measured in terms of money, time, or the procedures that must be followed – shall be reasonable, fair and affordable.The costs of access to the courts proceedings – whether measured in terms of money, time, or the procedures that must be followed – shall be reasonable, fair and affordable. To the end that unnecessary barriers to its services shall be eliminated, the Circuit Court of Lake County adopts the following standards and strategies: To the end that unnecessary barriers to its services shall be eliminated, the Circuit Court of Lake County adopts the following standards and strategies: A.PUBLIC PROCEEDING The Circuit Court of Lake County shall conduct its proceedings and other public business openly.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall conduct its proceedings and other public business openly. B.SAFETY, ACCESSIBILITY & CONVENIENCE The Court facilities shall be safe, accessible, and convenient to use.The Court facilities shall be safe, accessible, and convenient to use. C.EFFECTIVE PARTICATION All who appear before the Court shall be given the opportunity to participate effectively without undue hardship or inconvenience.All who appear before the Court shall be given the opportunity to participate effectively without undue hardship or inconvenience. D. COURTESY, RESPONSIVENESS, & RESPECT Judges and other trial court personnel shall be courteous and responsive to the public and accord respect to all with whom they come into contact.Judges and other trial court personnel shall be courteous and responsive to the public and accord respect to all with whom they come into contact. E. AFFORDABLE COSTS The costs of access to the courts proceedings – whether measured in terms of money, time, or the procedures that must be followed – shall be reasonable, fair and affordable.The costs of access to the courts proceedings – whether measured in terms of money, time, or the procedures that must be followed – shall be reasonable, fair and affordable. I. ACCESS TO JUSTICE
To facilitate case flow and avoid unnecessary delays, the Circuit Court of Lake County adopts the following standards and strategies: A. CASE PROCESSING The Circuit Court of Lake County shall establish and comply with recognized guidelines for timely case processing. While at the same time keeping current with its incoming caseload.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall establish and comply with recognized guidelines for timely case processing. While at the same time keeping current with its incoming caseload. B.COMPLIANCE WITH SCHEDULES The Court shall disburse funds promptly, provide reports and information according to required schedules, and respond to requests for information and other services on an established schedule that assures their effective use.The Court shall disburse funds promptly, provide reports and information according to required schedules, and respond to requests for information and other services on an established schedule that assures their effective use. C. PROMPT IMPLEMENTATION OF LAW & PROCEDURE The Court shall promptly implement changes in law and procedure.The Court shall promptly implement changes in law and procedure. To facilitate case flow and avoid unnecessary delays, the Circuit Court of Lake County adopts the following standards and strategies: A. CASE PROCESSING The Circuit Court of Lake County shall establish and comply with recognized guidelines for timely case processing. While at the same time keeping current with its incoming caseload.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall establish and comply with recognized guidelines for timely case processing. While at the same time keeping current with its incoming caseload. B.COMPLIANCE WITH SCHEDULES The Court shall disburse funds promptly, provide reports and information according to required schedules, and respond to requests for information and other services on an established schedule that assures their effective use.The Court shall disburse funds promptly, provide reports and information according to required schedules, and respond to requests for information and other services on an established schedule that assures their effective use. C. PROMPT IMPLEMENTATION OF LAW & PROCEDURE The Court shall promptly implement changes in law and procedure.The Court shall promptly implement changes in law and procedure. II.EXPEDITION & TIMELINESS
To the end that the Court in Lake County shall conduct its court business without unnecessary delay, the Circuit Judges of Lake County do hereby adopt the following standards: A.FAIR & RELIABLE PROCEDURES The trial court procedures shall faithfully adhere to relevant laws, procedural rules and established policies.The trial court procedures shall faithfully adhere to relevant laws, procedural rules and established policies. B.JURIES Jury lists are representative of the jurisdiction from which they are drawn.Jury lists are representative of the jurisdiction from which they are drawn. C.COURT DECISION & ACTIONS The court shall give individual attention to cases, deciding them without undue disparity among like cases and upon legally relevant factors.The court shall give individual attention to cases, deciding them without undue disparity among like cases and upon legally relevant factors. D.CLARITY Decisions of the court shall unambiguously address the issues presented to it and make clear how compliance can be achieved.Decisions of the court shall unambiguously address the issues presented to it and make clear how compliance can be achieved. E.RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENFORCEMENT The court shall take appropriate responsibility for the enforcement of its orders.The court shall take appropriate responsibility for the enforcement of its orders. F.PRODUCTION & PRESERVATION OF RECORDS Records of all relevant court decisions and actions shall be accurate and properly preserved.Records of all relevant court decisions and actions shall be accurate and properly preserved. To the end that the Court in Lake County shall conduct its court business without unnecessary delay, the Circuit Judges of Lake County do hereby adopt the following standards: A.FAIR & RELIABLE PROCEDURES The trial court procedures shall faithfully adhere to relevant laws, procedural rules and established policies.The trial court procedures shall faithfully adhere to relevant laws, procedural rules and established policies. B.JURIES Jury lists are representative of the jurisdiction from which they are drawn.Jury lists are representative of the jurisdiction from which they are drawn. C.COURT DECISION & ACTIONS The court shall give individual attention to cases, deciding them without undue disparity among like cases and upon legally relevant factors.The court shall give individual attention to cases, deciding them without undue disparity among like cases and upon legally relevant factors. D.CLARITY Decisions of the court shall unambiguously address the issues presented to it and make clear how compliance can be achieved.Decisions of the court shall unambiguously address the issues presented to it and make clear how compliance can be achieved. E.RESPONSIBILITY FOR ENFORCEMENT The court shall take appropriate responsibility for the enforcement of its orders.The court shall take appropriate responsibility for the enforcement of its orders. F.PRODUCTION & PRESERVATION OF RECORDS Records of all relevant court decisions and actions shall be accurate and properly preserved.Records of all relevant court decisions and actions shall be accurate and properly preserved. III.EQUALITY, FAIRNESS & INTEGRITY
To the end that the judicial branch of government shall strengthen its independence and accountability, the Circuit Court of Lake County adopts the following standards and strategies: A.INDEPENDENCE & COMITY The Circuit Court of Lake County shall maintain its institutional integrity and observe the principle of comity in its governmental relations.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall maintain its institutional integrity and observe the principle of comity in its governmental relations. B.ACCOUNTABILITY FOR PUBLIC RESOURCES The Circuit Court of Lake County shall responsibly see, use and account for its public resources.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall responsibly see, use and account for its public resources. C.PERSONNEL PRACTICES & DECISIONS The Circuit Court of Lake County shall use fair employment practices.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall use fair employment practices. D.PUBLIC EDUCATION The Circuit Court of Lake County shall inform the community of its programs.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall inform the community of its programs. E.RESPONSE TO CHANGE The Circuit Court of Lake County shall, to the best of its ability, anticipate new conditions or emergent events and adjust its operations as necessary.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall, to the best of its ability, anticipate new conditions or emergent events and adjust its operations as necessary. To the end that the judicial branch of government shall strengthen its independence and accountability, the Circuit Court of Lake County adopts the following standards and strategies: A.INDEPENDENCE & COMITY The Circuit Court of Lake County shall maintain its institutional integrity and observe the principle of comity in its governmental relations.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall maintain its institutional integrity and observe the principle of comity in its governmental relations. B.ACCOUNTABILITY FOR PUBLIC RESOURCES The Circuit Court of Lake County shall responsibly see, use and account for its public resources.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall responsibly see, use and account for its public resources. C.PERSONNEL PRACTICES & DECISIONS The Circuit Court of Lake County shall use fair employment practices.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall use fair employment practices. D.PUBLIC EDUCATION The Circuit Court of Lake County shall inform the community of its programs.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall inform the community of its programs. E.RESPONSE TO CHANGE The Circuit Court of Lake County shall, to the best of its ability, anticipate new conditions or emergent events and adjust its operations as necessary.The Circuit Court of Lake County shall, to the best of its ability, anticipate new conditions or emergent events and adjust its operations as necessary. IV.INDEPENDENCE & ACCOUNTABILITY
To the end that Courts of Lake County are perceived by the citizens with trust and confidence, the Circuit Court of Lake County adopts the following standards and strategies: A. ACCESSIBILITY The trial court and the justice it delivers shall be perceived by the public as accessible.The trial court and the justice it delivers shall be perceived by the public as accessible. B. EXPEDITIOUS, FAIR & RELIABLE COURT FUNCTIONS The Public shall have trust and confidence that the basic court functions are being conducted expeditiously and fairly, and that its decisions have integrity.The Public shall have trust and confidence that the basic court functions are being conducted expeditiously and fairly, and that its decisions have integrity. C. JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE & INTEGRITY The trial court shall be perceived as independent, not unduly influenced by other components of government, and accountable.The trial court shall be perceived as independent, not unduly influenced by other components of government, and accountable. To the end that Courts of Lake County are perceived by the citizens with trust and confidence, the Circuit Court of Lake County adopts the following standards and strategies: A. ACCESSIBILITY The trial court and the justice it delivers shall be perceived by the public as accessible.The trial court and the justice it delivers shall be perceived by the public as accessible. B. EXPEDITIOUS, FAIR & RELIABLE COURT FUNCTIONS The Public shall have trust and confidence that the basic court functions are being conducted expeditiously and fairly, and that its decisions have integrity.The Public shall have trust and confidence that the basic court functions are being conducted expeditiously and fairly, and that its decisions have integrity. C. JUDICIAL INDEPENDENCE & INTEGRITY The trial court shall be perceived as independent, not unduly influenced by other components of government, and accountable.The trial court shall be perceived as independent, not unduly influenced by other components of government, and accountable. V.PUBLIC TRUST & CONFIDENCE
Highlights of Future Efforts Enhance Judicial Web page, including information, functionality and appearance Develop electronic access to court files, information and service to the legal community Create an Integrated Justice Information System that is user friendly Expand court facilities to best serve court partners and community Improve signage and internal directions to courthouse functions Expand level of Judicial and Non-Judicial training in technology, emerging trends and issues and timely hot topics Work closely with all court partners on trends, emerging issues and innovative programs Enhance Judicial Web page, including information, functionality and appearance Develop electronic access to court files, information and service to the legal community Create an Integrated Justice Information System that is user friendly Expand court facilities to best serve court partners and community Improve signage and internal directions to courthouse functions Expand level of Judicial and Non-Judicial training in technology, emerging trends and issues and timely hot topics Work closely with all court partners on trends, emerging issues and innovative programs
Highlights of Future Efforts Expand the level of public education and information regarding the purpose, efforts and operations of the Judicial Branch Increase reference resources available to pro-se litigants Increase technology in all areas of the court to best accomplish our mission - E File, information sharing, procedures, electronic chat rooms and the like Develop protocol to best respond to compliments, complaints and/or comments about judicial and non-judicial personnel or operations Foster strong relationship with LCBA and ISBA Seek additional judicial and non-judicial resources to enhance quality performance Review case processing procedures and make modifications when and where necessary Expand the level of public education and information regarding the purpose, efforts and operations of the Judicial Branch Increase reference resources available to pro-se litigants Increase technology in all areas of the court to best accomplish our mission - E File, information sharing, procedures, electronic chat rooms and the like Develop protocol to best respond to compliments, complaints and/or comments about judicial and non-judicial personnel or operations Foster strong relationship with LCBA and ISBA Seek additional judicial and non-judicial resources to enhance quality performance Review case processing procedures and make modifications when and where necessary
Highlights of Future Efforts Review feasibility of a comprehensive Family Court Respond to emerging issues facing the court - mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, and so on Expand public education/information programs offered to the community Make internal operational adjustments to expedite service to our constituents Increase the availability of technology in the courtrooms Revise court forms, handouts and related materials for ease of understanding Develop community outreach programs Continue to update our Strategic Plan Review feasibility of a comprehensive Family Court Respond to emerging issues facing the court - mental health, substance abuse, domestic violence, and so on Expand public education/information programs offered to the community Make internal operational adjustments to expedite service to our constituents Increase the availability of technology in the courtrooms Revise court forms, handouts and related materials for ease of understanding Develop community outreach programs Continue to update our Strategic Plan
When you come to a fork in the road, take it. * Wherever you go, there you are. * *Yogi Berra