Driving Community Home November 28, 2017 TSLCA Summit Driving Community Home November 28, 2017
Maine Maine’s aging population High rate of homeownership The oldest state – median age High rate of homeownership 79% of Maine’s senior households are homeowners Desire to age at home 97% of Maine seniors live independently Housing Market Home buying in Maine remains affordable – for now Renting remains unaffordable – more supply is needed Affordability varies throughout the state
MaineHousing’s Response Continuum of MaineHousing’s services MaineHousing has traditionally allocated its resources to multifamily housing development Expanding our program offerings to senior homeowners Opportunity to link housing with improved health outcomes
MaineHousing Initiatives Home Modification – Comfortably Home Home Repair and Weatherization AccessAble Home Home Energy Assistance Program Senior Housing – location, accessibility, telehealth
Comfortably Home Based on Best Practice: Capable Program, Baltimore, MD https://www.ncoa.org/resources/capable-program-summary/ Adapted and tested by a local Public Housing Authority: Bath Housing Authority Funded by John T. Gorman Foundation
Elements of Success Partnerships with communities; local public housing authorities Leverage existing community resources Measure outcomes
Initial Data Through September 5, 2017 Total Initial Home Assessment Total Initial Home Assessment 78 Work Completed 60 Average Age 71 $0 - $19,999 45 $20,000 - $39,999 40 $40,000 - $59,999 11 Total Hours 384.9 Hours per Project 6.4 Total Materials Cost $23,981.21 Average Materials Cost $399.69
Early Outcomes 6 Months Before 6 Months After Have you had a fall? YES: NO: Unknown: 29 (39%) 45 (61%) 3 (13%) 16 (70%) 4 (17%) Have you been hospitalized? 25 (33%) 51 (67%) 2 (9%) 18 (78%) Calls to 911 for Medical, Fire, or other Emergencies Medical: Fire: None: 15 (21%) 3 (4%) 54 (75%) 1 (4%) 19 (83%) Self Reported Pre and Post
Income tax credit for individuals earning $55,000 or less Accessibility improvements for a person who lives in the home Work billed in 2017 Credit on 2017 tax return due April 17, 2018 Eligible work includes grab bars, access ramps, widening doorways, accessible tubs and showers, reduced tripping hazards MaineHousing.org/AccessAbleHome
Emerging Opportunities Maine Council on Aging, Maine Aging Initiative Generate commitment to work on models that meet both the immediate and long-term housing needs of older adults in Maine Accessory Dwelling Units Universal Design Housing with support services options New models of affordable senior housing