Performance Measurement Review November 2018


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Presentation transcript:

Performance Measurement Review November 2018 Kent County Community Action Performance Measurement Review November 2018

Presentation Overview Alignment with Board Priorities Key Performance Metrics Significant Budget Issues Significant Accomplishments Key Collaborations A Look Ahead Kent County Community Action

Priority Alignment Kent County Community Action Stable Revenues Kent County will have stable and predictable revenues to cover expenses. Efficient Use of Resources Kent County will provide services through the most efficient means.  Proactive and Innovative Government Kent County will seek-out innovative solutions and address issues systemically.  Our Mission: We work to eliminate the causes and circumstances of poverty by investing in individuals and families with lower incomes. Through dedicated staff and community partnerships we provide services, resources, education and advocacy to improve the quality of life for all residents of Kent County. Our National Promise: Community Action changes people’s lives, embodies the spirit of hope, improves communities, and makes America a better place to live. We care about the entire community, and we are dedicated to helping people help themselves and each other. Kent County Community Action

Key Goals and Metrics Housing: : To provide a full continuum of housing services to address homelessness through homeownership to all eligible locations of Kent County. To prevent homelessness by providing financial assistance to households with low-income for utility shut-offs, rental arrearages and mortgage payments. To ensure full utilization of Housing Choice Vouchers and designated funding to advance affordable rental housing opportunities for individuals and families with low-income. To promote the rehabilitation, sustainability and development of permanent housing for Kent County homeowners with low to moderate income. To serve and partner with local agencies and units of government to award funds for specialized services and community enhancing projects. Kent County Community Action

Number of households receiving assistance to prevent homelessness. To prevent homelessness by providing financial assistance to households of low-income for utility shut-offs, rental arrearages and mortgage payments. Expend all funding resources dedicated to ending homelessness to income eligible households. Number of households receiving assistance to prevent homelessness. 1,011 1,415 473 n/a Kent County Community Action

Number of opportunities to provide affordable rental housing. To ensure full utilization of Housing Choice Vouchers and designated funding to foster affordable rental housing opportunities for individuals and families with low-income. Effectively manage 529 Housing Choice Vouchers and 191 supportive rental housing units. Number of opportunities to provide affordable rental housing. 720 723 720 N/A Kent County Community Action

Number of services and projects developed. To serve and partner with local agencies and units of government to award funds for specialized services and community enhancing projects.   Support the integration of specialized services and community enhancement projects throughout Kent County. Number of services and projects developed. 10,080 6,376 10,795 Kent County Community Action

To promote the rehabilitation, sustainability and development of permanent housing for Kent County homeowners with low to moderate income. Engage homeowners and/or housing developers to utilize CDBG and HOME dollars to rehabilitate and develop affordable, decent housing. Number of housing units rehabilitated or developed. 108 109 120

Food and Nutrition: To offer USDA foods to supplement diets for Kent County residents with low income. To provide seniors 60 or older with monthly, nutritious USDA foods. To provide Kent County residents with low income quarterly emergency food assistance. Kent County Community Action

To provide seniors 60 or older with monthly, nutritious USDA foods. Distribute 1,450 USDA food boxes monthly to eligible seniors 60 or older in Kent County. Number of food boxes distributed annually to senior households on a monthly basis. 16,494 14,714 17,400

Number of Kent County households receiving USDA food annually. To provide Kent County residents with low income quarterly emergency food assistance. Distribute USDA food to 17,000 households quarterly. Number of Kent County households receiving USDA food annually. 41,872 45,132 41,872

Key Goals and Metrics Senior Services: To deliver quality, life enhancing services to Kent County residents 60 years or older. 1. To offer seniors 60 or older case management in order to maintain independence, obtain resources to assist in continued independence, and to fully understand their situation. 2. To provide transportation opportunities to seniors in order to meet their medical, dental and social needs. 3. To prepare nutritionally balanced, Latin American cuisine to decrease isolation, increase socialization, maintain independence, and ensure for healthy living through nutrition. Kent County Community Action

Number of Outreach and Assistance units provided. To offer seniors 60 or older case management in order to maintain independence, obtain resources to assist with continued independence, and to fully comprehend their situation. Assist seniors to address all of their needs. Number of Outreach and Assistance units provided. 2,692 2,824 2,682

To provide transportation opportunities to seniors and/or persons with disabilities in order to meet their medical, dental, employment and social needs. Transport seniors and/or persons with disabilities to their desired locations. Number of trips driven on behalf of seniors or persons with disabilities. 15,222 14,507 15,227

Number of meals prepared. To prepare nutritionally balanced, Latin American cuisine to decrease isolation, increase socialization, maintain independence, and ensure for healthy living through nutrition. Prepare home delivered meals in order for seniors to remain in their homes and to serve congregate meals so that seniors may have socialization opportunities. Number of meals prepared. 18,464 18,492 18,484

Key Goals and Metrics Self-Sufficiency: To provide services that promote self-sufficiency and empower Kent County residents. To enable Family Self-Sufficiency participants to increase their earned income and decrease their dependency on government subsidies. To prepare tax returns for income-eligible individuals and families with incomes below $55,000 who need assistance in preparing their own returns. To install energy efficiency measures into units of households with low income to decrease their energy consumption and educate them regarding energy saving practices. Kent County Community Action

To enable Family Self-Sufficiency participants to increase their earned income and decrease their dependency on government subsidies. Guide FSS participants over five years to increase their wages and decrease their government subsidies. Number of FSS participants who successfully graduated by increasing their wage and/or decreasing their dependence on government subsidies. 6 6 4

To prepare tax returns for income-eligible individuals and families with incomes below $55,000 who need assistance in preparing their own returns. Prepare and submit tax returns for families and individuals with low income in Kent County. Number of tax returns prepared for Kent County individuals or families. 2,225 2,353 2,000

To install energy efficiency measures into units of households with low income to decrease their energy consumption and educate them regarding energy saving practices. Complete 95 units with Weatherization measures in order to decrease energy consumption for households with low income in Kent County. Numbers of homes receiving WX services to realize a decrease in energy consumption. 95 99 98

Significant Budget Issues Federal appropriation process resulted in operating under Continuing Resolutions and delay in/not receiving funds. Did not receive funds from MDOT to replace two busses. Fleet is aged out of system. Inflexibility of funding resources. Challenges of braiding funds to meet expenses. Kent County Community Action

KCCA completed its transition from ACSET to Kent County KCCA completed its transition from ACSET to Kent County. Former ACSET personnel, contracts, and services were successfully transitioned and integrated into Kent County’s infrastructure. Furthermore, the Community Development Block Grant program and Housing Commission program relocated their staff and operations to KCCA. Kent County Community Action

Key Collaborations Through the CSBG Act, KCCA is required to work in partnership with other agencies. Currently, we have 119 formal partnerships to assist us in alleviating the causes of poverty. New Partnerships: Detention Residential Program “DELTA” Kent County Fleet Services Kent County Community Action

Key Collaborations: Federal, State and Local Partners: Kent County Community Action

A Look Ahead KCCA will be conducting a county-wide Community Needs Assessment. KCCA will be working closely to address the homelessness crisis with families by utilizing prevention dollars. KCCA will address the growing number of seniors and their needs. KCCA will continue to address issues of poverty and solutions to alleviate them. Kent County Community Action