Grundtvig European learning partnership 2012 - 2014
How to Educate Learners through peer-mentoring The project How to Educate Learners through peer-mentoring
Sharing information, ideas knowledge and support with fellow learners. Peer-mentoring Sharing information, ideas knowledge and support with fellow learners.
EU PARTNERS Germany – Learning to Learn Greece – Empowering Learners France – Second Language Learning United Kingdom – Financial Literacy Spain - Entrepreneurship Ireland – Active Citizenship
LEARNING EXPERIENCE Over 80 adult learners and tutors have travelled to six different EU partner countries.
Over 200 adult learners and staff involved with the project in six different EU countries.
Peer-mentoring practice has been successfully implemented in adult education centres of EU partners.
Website created to share our project experience
Peer-mentoring practice in Ireland Digital media - focus on the methodology of peer-mentoring to develop IT skills and promote confidence in using digital technology. Numeracy - using the peer-mentoring methodology to develop numeracy skills with adult learners and provide them with logical reasoning and problem solving skills. English language classes - where the more advanced English language learner offers support and help to the weaker learner.
Irish meeting – Active Citizenship Learners will participate in numeracy and digital media workshops. Focus on political engagement. Introduction to local government in Ireland, Laois Co. Council.
Irish meeting – active citizenship Introduction to national government, Dáil Eireann. Importance of registering to vote, voting in local & European elections. Empowering learners to find their voice and become active citizens in their own right.
Thank you for listening Sandra Doyle