What does imperialism look like? Page 310-315
What are the different forms of imperialism? Colony- a country or region governed internally by a foreign power Protectorate- A country or territory with its own internal government but under the control of an outside power Sphere of Influence- An area in which an outside power claims exclusive investment or trading privileges Economic Imperialism- Independent but less developed nations controlled by private business interests rather than by other governments
What did imperialist management look like? Indirect control- relied on existing political rulers Local ruler accepts British authority to rule Local officials handle daily management Legislative council (colonial officials with local merchants and professionals nominated by the colonial governor) Used by British and United States
What did imperialist management look like? (continued) Direct control-believed the people of the country could not handle the complex business of running a country. Used own bureaucrats Paternalism- a policy of treating subject people as if they were children, providing for their needs but not giving them rights. Supported assimilation-local population would be absorbed into the culture All local schools, courts, and businesses were patterned after the imperialist country Some recognized local institutions but saw them as inferior French
Was there resistance to imperialist rule? Yes- through active resistance and religious movements Africans never equal due to Europeans’ superior arms African societies tried to form alliances All attempts at resistance failed except Ethiopia- Menelik II, Emperor in 1889 Played Italians, French and British against each other Built up large arsenal of modern weapons purchased from France and Russia Battle of Adowa- greatest battle in history of Africa Defeated Italy and maintained their nation’s independence