Psychoactive drugs
What is a depressant and how does it affect the human body? Essential Question What is a depressant and how does it affect the human body?
Goal-Setting Shows a progression through a goal-setting process Clear goal statement Identifies realistic goal Plans for reaching goal Evaluates or reflects on action
Depressants How do depressants affect the body?
Depressants – drugs that tend to slow down the CNS relax muscles relieve feelings of tension cause drowsiness Dangerous slow the HR Lower BP Interrupt normal breathing Most Common is Alcohol and combining depressants produces a synergistic effect.
Barbiturates drugs that induce sleepiness results in mood changes sleep and or coma rarely used for medical purposes
Tranquilizers reduce muscular activity coordination and attention span they are prescribed to relieve anxiety, muscle spasms, sleeplessness when overused can cause addiction withdrawal causes severe shaking
Rohypnol widely available club drug 10 times stronger than tranquilizers Better known as the date rape drug Tablets that look like aspirin Dissolves easily
GHB like rohypnol it is used in date rape crimes clear liquid, white powder, or tablet easy to overdose leaves the blood quickly making it hard for emergency personnel to know what you OD on
Life-Plan Worksheet Complete the Life Plan worksheet by writing goal statements in each category and time period. Then, answer the questions on the back of the worksheet. Clear goal statement Identifies realistic goal Plans for reaching goal Evaluates or reflects on action Afterwards, we will discuss various goals and how drug misuse and abuse can affect your ability to accomplish them.
What is a depressant and how does it affect the human body? Essential Question What is a depressant and how does it affect the human body?