Summit Milestone Performance and Progress made since the 2014 Mine Occupational Health and Safety Summit Thabo Dube Chief Executive Officer 18-19th October 2018
PRESENTATION OUTLINE MHSC Mandate Purpose and Objectives of the 2018 Summit 2014 Occupational Health and Safety Milestones 2016 Principals Pledge Summary of Progress Made Conclusion Way Forward 2
MHSC MANDATE Advise the Minister on all occupational health and safety issues in the mining industry relating to legislation, research and promotion. Review and develop legislation (regulations) for recommendation to the Minister Promote health and safety culture in the mining industry Oversee research in relation to health and safety in the mining industry Liaise with other bodies concerned with health and safety issues Host a biennial summit to review OHS performance in the mining industry Mine Health and Safety Council Mandate includes Promoting the Culture of Health an Safety, Overseeing Research and Arranging and Hosting the Biennial Summit to Review the State of Occupational Health and Safety in the Mining Industry. 3
2018 Summit Purpose and Objectives Review Progress towards Achievement of Summit Milestones Set in 2014 Reflect and Engage on Current Year’s or Past t2 Years OHS Performance Analysis of Recent Disasters to Further Mitigate on Identified Risks, Prevent Recurrences Develop an Action Plan with Interventions to Address identified OHS Challenges, Impacting on OHS Milestones Achievements Conducting a Reality Check Whether we are Still on the Right Track to Achieve Our Ultimate Objective of Zero Harm to Mine Workers and Communities Affected by Mining 4
2014 OHS Summit milestones Elimination of fatalities and injuries Zero fatalities by Dec 2020 20% reduction in serious injuries per year by Dec 2016 20% reduction in lost time injuries per year from Jan 2017 Rehabilitation of mine workers injured in the line of duty Elimination of occupational diseases- By December 2024 95% of all exposure measurement results must be below the following limits for the respective respirable dust: 0.05 mg/m3 for silica dust 1.5 mg/m3 for platinum dust 1.5 mg/m3 for coal dust No new cases should occur amongst previously unexposed individuals Elimination NIHL By December 2024, noise emitted by equipment should not exceed 107 dB(A). By December 2016, no employee Standard Threshold Shift limit will exceed 25 dB from the baseline . Integrate and simplify compensation systems Reduction and prevention of TB, HIV & AIDS By December 2024, the TB incidence rate should be at or below the National TB incident rate. 100% of employees offered HIV Counseling and Testing (HCT) annually & all eligible employees linked to an Anti Retroviral Treatment (ART) programme. Culture Transformation Framework 100% implementation of the Leadership, Risk Management, Data Management, Diversity Management, Leading Practice and Bonus and Performance Incentive pillars by December 2020. Beyond 2024 Implementation of the Integrated Mining Activity, Technology, Inspectorate, Tripartism, Regulatory Framework Establish Centre of Excellence for research, research implementation and capacity-building 2014 Milestones on the Following: Elimination of fatalities and Injuries and Rehabilitation of Injures Mine Workers Occupational Diseases, Through Effective Exposure Measurement and Control of Airborne Pollutants Elimination of Noise Induced Hearing Loss, Through Effective Control and Measurement Exposures (Eliminating Equipment Emitting High Levels of Noise Reduction and Prevention of TB, HIV and Aids, Reducing Incident Rates Facilitating OHS Culture Change, Through Implementation of Culture Transformation Framework Developed by the Mining Industry (11 Pillars , Prioritisation of 5) Establishing Centre of Excellence for Research and Capacity Building
2016 Principals Pledge Tripartite Visible Felt Leadership & Relationship Building Develop a Programme of Engagement for Principals Stakeholders on Regular Basis Trust Deficit Stakeholders to Address Trust Deficit ,Moving from Transactional to Transformative Approach on OHS Matters Communication Improving Communication Amongst the Stakeholders and within stakeholders groupings Empowerment of Supervisors Empowerment of Workers: Occupational Health and Safety Representatives, Union Shop-Stewards ,Supervisors and Women h African Mining Industry Annual OHS Days Mining companies Hosting Hhealth and Safety Days This was the recommitment to achieving the 2014 Milestones after realising that OHS Improvement was stating to Plateau, no significant improvement achieved. 6
Projections & Actuals of Fatalities 2014 - 2020 Currently sitting at 69 fatalities versus the 42 we were supposed to be on route to Zero in 2020 –already missed the target by a 64% Analysis show we would require 17%, 20% 25%, 33% 50% and 100% annually from 2014 to achieve the desired 0 in 2020 For the sector to reach Zero Harm fatalities by 2020; we needed to achieve a regrettable loss of NO more than 28 fatalities in 2018, a target that we have already sadly missed currently (69 YTD) -Hence, to reach Zero Harm in 2020 from where we were in 2017 will require a steep 50% improvement in 2018 Analysis from where we were (84) with regards to fatalities in 2014 shows that we would have required an annual reduction of 17%, 20% 25%, 33% 50% and 100% respectively annually from 2014 to 2020 respectively for us to achieve the desired Zero Fatalities in 2020. It must be noted that this is a reflection of the status for All fatalities with a year on year review and change in the percentage improvement. As will be seen in the next slides, to achieve zero harm in the different individual agencies will require different improvement percentages with different efforts and resources. 7
Projections & Actuals of Injuries 2014-2024 A 20% YoY improvement in injuries from 2014 would only get us to 280 injuries by 2014. The total injuries regressed immediately after the injuries milestones were set – from 2608 in 2014 to 3061 in 2015 ( 17% regression). However, the trend started making a slow but not required yearly improvement from 2015 to 2017 to the extent that industry now need a steep 60% improvement to get back to the milestone target line in 2018. SAMI currently need a 60% improvement in injuries by 2018 to ensure that it gets back to the set milestones of 20% improvement year on year from Dec 2016/ Jan 2017 for Serious or LTI as set in 2014. S/Inj (Serious Injury)* = Injury incapacitating injured from performing normal/ similar occupation for 14 days or more, or which causes the injured to suffer loss of a joint/ part of a joint / permanent disability. Lost Time Injury (LTI) ** = An injury which incapacitates injured from performing normal or similar occupation on the next calendar day. 8
Falls of Ground Related Fatalities & Injuries 2014 - 2020 2017 marred by number of FOG related multiple fatality incidents reported - especially towards end of year FOG related injury trends performing better than fatality trends, but more work needed to hit the target line towards Zero injuries. Since the milestones were set in 2014, the improvement in rock related fatalities was short-lived only to 2015, where after there was a significant regression. Between 2016 and 2017, the ere was a regression which is partly attributed to the Rockburst related disasters recorded during the period. Clearly and sadly the 25% reduction line from 2017 would only hit zero well beyond 2020. Forecast for future values for 2018-2020 is based on reducing the number of fatalities by the highest percentage (85%) which IS ACHIEVABLE but will obviously need more effort from all of us – it is clear that an achievable and consistent trend year on year reduction shows that with the current trends “0” fatalities will sadly only be reached well beyond 2020 – A trend we obviously cannot afford or tolerate. One life lost is one too many. For Rock Related Injuries, the 20% Year on Year target would not result in the sector achieving Zero Harm by 2024. The forecast is that a more stretched target of over 40% will be required. 9
Machinery Fatalities & Injuries 2014 - 2020 The Machinery related fatality trends would even reach the target of Zero fatalities in 2019. if a 75% improvement from the 2017 stats was to be achieved in 2018 For SAMI to reach the 20% improvement on Machinery related injuries YoY, a > 40% improvement needed to get back from the 2017 figures to the 2020 target line. Clear that with the 20% improvement YoY, Zero Machinery related injuries will only be achieved beyond 2020 The Machinery related fatalities appears to have been dampened by the steep regression from 2014 to 2015. From 2016 to 2017 there was a slight plateau and appears that the required “0” fatalities in 2020 would only be achievable if a 75% reduction from the 2017 figure is achieved. Clearly and sadly the forecasted consistent 33% reduction from 2017 would only hit zero well beyond 2020. For Machinery Related Injuries, the 20% Year on Year target would not result in the sector achieving Zero Harm by 2024. The forecast is that a more stretched target of over 40% will be required to move closer to the target. 10
Transportation & Mining Related Fatalities & Injuries 2014 - 2020 For SAMI to reach the 20% improvement on Transport & Mining related injuries YoY, a > 40% improvement needed to get back from the 2017 figures to the 2020 target line. Clear that with the 20% improvement YoY, Zero Transportation & Mining related injuries will only be achieved beyond 2020 The Transportation & Mining related fatality trends would only reach the target of Zero in 2020 if a 75% improvement from the 2017 stats was to be achieved in 2018 The Transportation and Mining related fatalities experienced a significant regression from 2014 to 2017. At the current trend, the sector would clearly not reach Zero Harm on Transportation and Mining fatalities by 2020; to the extend that a 75% need for improvement from 2017 to get back to the target of “0” harm in 2020 is achieved. Clearly and sadly the 25% consistent projected reduction line from 2017 would only hit zero well beyond 2020. It could assist to have a closer review of the required improvement every year and propose solutions to get to “0” as a matter of urgency. It may suggest that milestones targets may need to be reviewed more regularly (or even yearly) to bring actuals closer to target For Transportation and Mining Related Injuries, the 20% Year on Year target would not result in the sector achieving Zero Harm by 2024. The forecast is that a more stretched target of over 40% will be required. 11
Railbound Equipment Fatalities & Injuries 2014 - 2020 The Railbound Equipment related fatality trends would only reach the target of Zero in 2020 if a > 75% improvement from the 2017 stats was to be achieved in 2018 The Railbound Equipment injury trends also regressed and has plateaued since 2015. The trend would only reach the 20% improvement target line if >40% reduction was achieved between the 2017 and 2018 actuals. Furthermore, zero injuries would also be realised beyond 2024 if the current trends by over 40% YoY reduction . Railbound Equipment Related Fatalities’ trend have been significantly regressing and consistently moving away from the target line since milestones were set in 2014. Clearly and sadly the 25% consistent projected reduction line from 2017 would only hit zero well beyond 2020. Only a sharp step change or improvement of 75% from the 2017 performance could help in achieving Zero fatalities in 2020. Maybe Forecast future values for 2018 to 2024 need to be reviewed yearly to bring actuals closer to target. For Railbound Equipment Related Injuries, the 20% Year on Year target would not result in the sector achieving Zero Harm by 2024. The forecast is that a more stretched target of over 40% will be required. 12
Fires and Explosions Fatalities & Injuries 2014 - 2020 The Fires & Explosion fatalities were at “0” in 2014 and should have remained at that to achieve the set milestone of 0 by 2020. Trends on fatalities for Fires and Explosions appear to be erratic , occurring once in a while with serious consequences when they occur. The Fires and Explosions Related Fatality Trends were “0” in 2014 and the milestone is to have zero (0) in 2020. No Forecast was done as target and actual overlaps. Since still under investigation, the unfortunate loss of life of 6 employees at Phalabora Mine on 18 July 2018 is yet to be classified. For Fires & Explosions Related Injuries, the 20% Year on Year target would not result in the sector achieving Zero Harm by 2024. The forecast is that a more stretched target of over 40% will be required. 13
OHS Milestones Online Reporting System Mine Health and Safety Council has Developed an Online Reporting Systems of OHS Milestones. This will be used to monitor achievement of the milestones The System Development was Completed in 2017, Workshops were conduced to popular and train mines on the use of the system About 187 mines volunteered to use the reporting system with necessary support from the MHSC office, as a pilot phase Pilot phase has been completed and after the summit we will conducting a comprehensive roll-out of the reporting system WE have been to every province in popularising the system and conducting workshops 14
ELIMINATION OF OCCUPATIONAL LUNG DISEASES: EXPOSURE MEASUREMENTS OF RESPIRABLE CRYSTALLINE SILICA The trend shows that in 2015, 17% of the exposure measurement results taken were above the target of 95% of all exposure measurements for respirable crystalline silica. In 2017 the percentage dropped to 7%. This indicate that the milestone target can be achieved if the engineering controls are maintained. 15
ELIMINATION OF OCCUPATIONAL LUNG DISEASES: Elimination of Silicosis The trend shows that there were 44 Silicosis cases diagnosed in 2015 and in 2016, there are 81 cases. In order to reduce the number of silicosis cases diagnosed with the ultimate reduction thereof, the industry needs to have 20% reduction year on year in the number of cases diagnosed. The 20% reduction to be applicable until 2024 and review it then. 16
ELIMINATION OF OCCUPATIONAL LUNG DISEASES: Elimination of Pneumoconiosis The trend shows that there were 14 Pneumoconiosis cases diagnosed in 2015 and 27 in 2018. In order to reduce the number of Pneumoconiosis cases diagnosed with the ultimate reduction thereof, the industry needs to have more than 20% reduction year on year. The 20% reduction to be applicable until 2024 and review it then. 17
ELIMINATION OF OCCUPATIONAL LUNG DISEASES: Elimination of Coal Workers Pneumoconiosis The trend shows that there were 13 CWP cases diagnosed in 2015 and 23 in 2018. In order to achieve the aim of no new CWP cases by 2024, the industry needs to have a 20% reduction in the number of cases reported year on year until 2024. The 20% reduction to be applicable until 2024 and will need to be reviewed thereafter. 18
ELIMINATION OD NOISE INDUCED HEARING LOSS: FOR THE INDIVIDUAL By December 2024, noise emitted by equipment should not exceed 107 dB(A), this requires elimination or replacement or silencing of existing equipment. By December 2016, no employee Standard Threshold Shift limit will exceed 25 dB from the baseline, we are not doing well as an industry in that front . 19
REDUCTION AND PREVENTION OF HIV & AIDS INFECTIONS The trend shows that the percentage of employees who had undergone HIV counselling increased from 74% in 2015 to 84% in 2018. The percentage of employees undergoing HIV testing increased from 37% in 2015 to 56% in 2018, however did not meet the 100% target. This indicates that action needs to be undertaken as it shows that the milestone target of 100% of employees undergoing HIV counselling and testing has not being reached. 20
REDUCTION AND PREVENTION OF PULMONARY TB INFECTIONS The trend indicates that 95% of the employees from the mines that had reported were screened in 2017. From the those tested the results indicate that the TB incident rate will be at or below 0.00593 (National TB incident rate) if the actual rate is reduced by 20% yearly. National TB incidence rate: 0,00593 21
Culture Transformation Framework As part of changing the culture of health and safety in the mining industry, which is one of the key initiatives in addition engineering intervention to achieve Zero Harm The mining Industry has prioritised these 5 pillars out of the 11 pillars for Culture Transformation Framework for 100% implementation by 2020 22
CTF ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION OF TARGETS ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION TARGET CTF PILLAR ANNUAL IMPLEMENTATION TARGET None (0%) Planned (25%) Developed (50%) Implemented (75%) Implemented(75%) Reviewed for Suitability (100%) Dec-15 Dec-16 Dec-17 Dec-18 Dec-19 Dec-20 1. Leadership pillar N/A 25% 50% 75% 100% 2. Risk Management pillar 3.Bonus & Performance Incentive pillar 4. Diversity Management pillar 5. The Leading Practice pillar. This is an indication of implementation plan for developed programmes on culture transformation pillars Mine Health and Safety Council provide guidelines on how the programmes should be effectively implemented Guideline of Bonus and Incentive Schemes Guidelines on Diversity Management Guideline on Adoption of Leading Practices Guidelines on Implementation of Leadership Pillar 23
CTF IMPLEMENTATION PROGRESS CTF PILLAR 2015 Target None (0%) 2016 Target Plan (25%) 2017 Target Develop (50%) No. of Mines Achievement 1. Leadership pillar 170 25 5 50 178 3 75 2. Risk Management pillar 100 4 177 3. Bonus and Performance Incentive pillar 1 4. Diversity Management pillar 5. The Leading Practice pillar. Target for 2015 was 0%; 2016 target was 25% and 2017 target was 50%. This table shows number of mines that achieved each CTF Pillar for years 2015, 2016 and 2017. 24
MHSC 2014 Milestones Initiatives Projects Progress COMMITTEE NAME PLANNED PROJECTS PER COMMITTEE NUMBER OF COMPLETED PROJECTS BY 30 SEPTEMBER 2018 NUMBER OF PROJECTS TO BE COMPLETED AFTER 30 SEPTEMBER 2018 PERCENTAGE COMPLETED (COMMITTEE) SIMRAC 6 - 100% MRAC 2 MOHAC 3 50% MITHAC 4 67% CTAC 9 COE 8 75% TOTAL 37 30 7 86% Most of the research projects and studies supporting milestones initiatives have been completed 25
CoE Quickwin Projects Supporting Milestones CoE Partners as research providers: 7 out 9 Completed Underground and surface Communication System – In progress Rockmass Condition Assessment Tools - Completed Independent Support Testing Capability - Completed Continuous Dust Monitoring and Suppression – Not contracted yet Missing Persons Locator Systems - Completed Collision Management Systems - Completed Understanding the Impact of Technology on People in the South African Mining Sector - Completed Diesel Particulate Matter (DPM) Measurement and Controls – Completed Statutory Equipment - Completed 26
CONCLUSION & WAY FOWARD The Milestones Achievement Concerning Taking into Account the Current Trends, A lot More Work is Required Implementation of 2016 Principals’ Recommitment Needs to be Prioritised by all stakeholders Current Action Plan Currently being Implemented Requires (Various initiatives and projects) Assess Interventions Currently used and an Analysis of What Worked and What Did Not. What can Tripartite Stakeholders Collectively and Individually do in Bringing about a Step Change to Improve the Industry OHS Performance and Harness the Achievement of Summit Milestones and Targets? Exploring New Ways to Address the OHS Challenges High Exposures to Occupational Hazards and Loss of Lives Remains Unacceptable!! 27