Please sign in Proposed DC2 Rezoning 142 St. / Stony Plain Road First Session 5:00 – 7:00 Second Session 7:00 – 9:00 1st hour of each session: Open House 2nd hour of each session: formal presentation Wednesday May 16, 2007
Introductions City of Edmonton Planning Department Tim Ford Rod Heinricks Transportation Department Kelly Sizer Meeting Mediator Al Parsons Applicant Brad Kennedy Brinsmead Ziola Kennedy Architecture City Council Councillor Jane Batty Councillor Michael Phair
Public Meeting Agenda Introductions Meeting Purpose Planning Framework, Process and Application status Proposed Rezoning and Road Closure Questions & Answers Questionnaire
Purpose Provide information to the public about: the proposal; and the rezoning process. Provide opportunity for the public to: Learn more about the proposal & process; and Provide input / feedback regarding the issues.
Helping citizens learn about the Planning process. How you can more effectively get involved in issues that affect you! 1.Land Use Planning: The Big Picture 2.Getting a Grip on Land Use Planning 3.Come Plan with Us: Using Your Voice 4.Transportation Elective 5.Urban Design Elective Website: Phone: (780) Courses Starting Soon!! Planning Academy
What is Zoning? All properties / areas in the city are zoned – governed by the Zoning Bylaw. One Zone can apply to many properties. Describes the legal rules & regulations re: What uses can occur on a site; and How development can occur (min. yards, max height, etc.)
What is DC2 (Site Specific Development Control) Zoning? A customized zone for a single site or area. Most often used to secure greater certainty re: the end development by including site plans, elevation drawings, etc. Can allow more flexibility than standard zones.
Planning Process Application Received Notice Sent to Property Owners Technical Review by City Departments & Agencies Public Meeting Notice of Public Hearing Preparation of Bylaws Public Hearing Decision by Council Opportunities for Public Input
Proposed DC2 Rezoning This application proposes to rezone the subject lands for the purpose of developing a mixed use project containing: 330 residential dwelling units (maximum); 6,500 m2 commercial floorspace (maximum); residential towers of various height (10 to 18 storeys); and All required vehicular parking spaces underground.
Proposed DC2 Rezoning
Proposed Road Closure
Proposed DC2 Rezoning Air Photo
Site Plan
Elevation Looking West
Elevation Looking East
Elevation Looking North
Elevation Looking South
Cross Sections
Pedestrian Connections & Open Spaces
Active Commercial / Residential Frontages
What Have We Heard? - Opposed We are strongly opposed to this application, based on the height of the towers … it is not in keeping with the neighbourhoods of Glenora and Grovenor. The corner is already an extremely busy intersection. We are very opposed; the traffic levels are dangerous and cumbersome. We are opposed to the proposal; a 4 or 5 storey structure would be acceptable. On street parking is already congested and a safety issue.
What Have We Heard? - Support We fully support the application and are excited about the development. The City needs to encourage this type of development as we can no longer afford the current pace of urban sprawl. I am a supporter of plans to grow upward vs outward as a measure to control urban sprawl. I understand the Edmonton Design Committee unanimously approved this project … as a resident of Glenora, you may include me as a supporter of this project.
What Have We Heard? – In the Middle We agree that Edmonton, and this area in particular, needs a higher density to avoid urban sprawl … but the tower heights should not exceed 10 storeys – 18 is too high. I am not opposed to a smaller scale version of the same. We like the idea of sliver buildings allowing more light … not 29 storey, but perhaps staggered heights maxing at storeys.
Other Related Activities Smart Choices Area Study Traffic Impact Assessment (TIA) West BRT (Bus Rapid Transit)
Questionnaires We need your help: Please help us by taking the time to fill out the questionnaires provided and drop them in the box near the entrance, or you can mail or fax them back to us. This information is found on the bottom of the form. Thank You for your time and attending
Contact Information Please address further questions or comments to: Rod Heinricks, Planner Tel: Fax: