Monday, March 19, 2018 Bell Ringer - Get a note card from me. Then read the titles below. Based on the titles, think about which short story sounds interesting to you. “The Tell-Tale Heart” “The Chaser” “The Lady, or the Tiger?” For each title, write a one-sentence prediction on one side of your note card explaining what you think the story will be about.
The Tell-Tale Heart (Lexile 890) Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Tell-Tale Heart” tells the story of an unnamed narrator who is so bothered by his landlord’s eye that he decides to kill him. As the narrator recounts his murder, it is up to us as the reader to determine whether he is sane.
The Chaser (Lexile 930) How far are you willing to go for love? In this story by John Collier, we meet a man, Alan Austin, who is madly in love with a woman named Diana. Desperate to earn her affection, Alan visits a man who sells magic potions, in the hopes that he can purchase a love potion. However, soon he finds that the use of these magic potions comes with a great cost.
The Lady, or the Tiger? (Lexile 1260) “The Lady, or the Tiger?” by Francis Richard Stockton is set in a barbaric land in which a criminal’s fate is determined by chance. Those who commit crimes are forced to stand in an arena and choose between two doors: one containing a tiger that will kill them; the other containing a lady that they are to marry. But what happens when the king’s daughter is in love with a man who has committed a crime against the king?
Short Story Choice Do not discuss the stories with other students yet. Make your choice based on your interest. If you want to know your Lexile level, please come see me. Write the title of your story choice on the other side of your note card. Then bring the note card to me.
Work Session You will find each story in the Week Two Stories folder in OneNote. You can read independently, with a partner, or in a small group. You may also choose to read along with the audio version. As you read, take notes on the characters and plot. Also, make a list of words that you don’t know or any words that confuse you.