Daily information Assessments Reports i - connect Daily information Assessments Reports
Daily Information Nappies recorded including times and type Meals recorded, what eaten, when and how much Sleeps - When and for how long Medication and accidents logged Daily diaries in Crawlers and explorers room give a daily overview.
Assessments We share our assessments with you through parent zone and share targets for your child.
Reports We can access various reports using i-connect to track individual children or groups of children. Number of steps progress report shows progress made in each area by individual children. Age and stage reports show where children are according to expected development.
Age and stage report
Statement count report This is used to find gaps in learning.
Group reports Review groups of children's learning compared to their peers. Cohort tracking identifies where more/less progress is being made to identify improvements in provision. Group tracker reports identify children's actual age and compare it with their developmental age.
How we use this data: We look at individual children's data once a month in target review meetings. This is a meeting about your child. How they are getting on, extra help needed, gaps in learning, PSED. Then we set targets. Group reports are used to identify strengths and weaknesses in provision and address these.
How you can help: Please send us your pictures of children enjoying things at home or on a weekend. Some of the targets cannot be met easily in a setting so we like to get a rounded view of the child's life out of Jigsaws. This evidence is used in the data too.