Recruiting target groups The questionnaire of the needs analysis survey was sent together with the WERT brochure to women entrepreneurs of rural tourism. The results of the analysis were sent to the entrepreneurs association of women entrepreneurs and rural tourism teachers and business advisers of the area The responses of the needs analysis showed, that there is need and willingness for the training; 12 women said that they would like to participate the training
Recruiting target groups Regular contacts with the female entrepreneur network and several visits to the rural tourism businesses Invitations to join the Women Entrepreneurs in Rural Tourism Community sent to 35 women Entrepreneurs When the training programme is ready, a brochure of the training will be sent by to potential participants, other VET organisations and business advisory centres and employment offices as soon as the time table is ready. The course will also be advertised through the regular channels of YSAO.
Course delivery Blended learning Workshop at the beginning (and end) of each unit Online course material, support and feedback available in Moodle learning environment Some printed material available at workshops Workshops will be organised in different rural tourism businesses Study visit in Finland and abroad ??
Discussions and feedback in the workshops Evaluation after every unit by using WERT session plans to evaluate training sessions from the teacher/trainer perspective. (Webropol survey software) We encourage participation in online discussion forum on the community area of the WERT website Changes and improvement proposals can be taken into consideration during the course
Schedule Unit 1: Unit 2: Unit 3: Unit 4: Unit 5: End seminar and presentations