Race to the Moon Review for Lessons 1 - 4
To view space from Earth’s perspective is called: Geocentric
Stars that do not move relative to one another are called: Fixed Stars
Who invented the first telescope for astronomical use: Galileo
What does NASA stand for: National Aeronautic Space Administration
Compared to the summer, shadows in the winter in the Northern Hemisphere are generally… longer
What is another name for our North Star? Polaris
The sun is ____ times wider in diameter than the Earth. 109
The term that refers to how far away the Earth is from the Sun… Astronomical Unit (AU)
What did early civilization believe was the center of the Solar System? Earth
What did the Anazasi develop? Calendar
The Earth’s orbit around the sun takes…. 365 ¼ days = 1 year
Why are there leap years? Every 4 years we need to account for the ¼ day.
There are myths associated with this grouping of stars…. Constellations
Name one constellation and give the myth associated with it.
How can you find Polaris? Find the end of the basket of Big Dipper and draw a line to the tip of the handle of the Little Dipper.
How many Earth’s away is the moon? 30
How much smaller is the moon compared to the Earth? ¼ the size of Earth
How long does it take the Earth to rotate? 24 hours, 1 day
What does Equinox mean and when does it occur? Equal amount of daylight and darkness
What season would you have the least amount of daylight hours? winter
How long does it take the moon to revolve around the Earth? 27.3 days (about 1 month)
Explain why the moon appears to be the same size as the Sun. It is 400x smaller, but 400x closer
The main reasons for the seasons are: Tilt of Earth Amount of atmosphere with how the rays hit Earth
Is the path of the sun an ecliptical or an elliptical path
What season does the sun appear higher in the sky? Summer
What is the “apparent” path of the sun? Rise in the east, set in the west
When the sun is at it’s highest point in the sky, we call it…. Solar Noon
When it is summer in the NH, it is ______ in the SH. Winter
What does the angle of separation of the North Star tell us? The latitude of the location where we are
Good Luck on the Test