Matching Skills for the Amsterdam region’s Development
A Strong Knowledge Region The Amsterdam region has a very strong research base High quality research based education sector Attracts knowledge intensive companies Creative industries, technology, trade and logistics – but too little R&D investment The region has a strong research base - particularly in life sciences, information and communication technology, the creative industries, technology, trade and logistics - and a high quality research based higher education sector. In the Leiden Ranking of European Universities 2003 - 2007, based on bibliometric analysis of European universities, VU University Amsterdam and University of Amsterdam are number 15 and 18, respectively (the so-called “green list”). Main fields of outstanding research are Clinical medicine; Biological Sciences; Psychology, Psychiatry & Behavioral Sciences; Social Sciences related to Medicine. A large supply of highly skilled workers will help attract and retain firms and investment to the region A lower proportion of GDP is spent on R&D in Noord-Holland. The government and HEI sector is on level with the national average, but the business Sector substantially below. One might expect the region to be a frontrunner because of its strong research base. (Please note that numbers are indicated for 2002 as these were the numbers presented in the self-evaluation report). The main challenge is to find ways to align their capacities and the supply of graduates with the expectations and demands of the engines of growth in the private sector Self-evaulation report p. 29. (source Eurostat (2008))
Research Impact UVA: 20608 x 1,73 VU: 8812 x 1,54 AU: 11622 x 1,64
A Global Brand Amsterdam has a strong brand to build on Amsterdam could better integrate its strengths: A strong knowledge base and strong businesses The Challenge for the Amsterdam Region is to develop strategies reflecting the inherent qualities and values of the region: Liberal mindedness, culture, creativity and diversity combined with academic strengths and strong businesses Amsterdam has a strong brand to build on: Liberal mindedness, culture, creativity and diversity
Matching Supply and Demand in Amsterdam Firms must articulate their demand consider the academic strengths of the region Universities must align supply with demand are results translated to business? University of Amsterdam There is a need to focus on the economic relevance of the knowledge generated and disseminated by the Amsterdam HE system – While the level of scientific publication in the two research universities remains high by international standard, the translation into new product and processes for the market could be better. Firms must be better at articulating their demand for knowledge and highly skilled labour. Industry should be more proactive in taking advantage of the academic strengths of the region. The Amsterdam region has some very strong businesses which are not yet sufficiently connected to a strong knowledge and science base. Some exciting connections have been made but a more systematic approach is needed.
Developing Lifelong Learning Policies Special attention should be given to the development of lifelong learning policies No sense of urgency among stakeholders in Amsterdam Special attention should be given to the development of lifelong learning policies and to building more flexibility into the binary system of higher education. The participation rates for young people are among the highest in the OECD countries. However, in the older age ranges the participation rates are much too low. The Netherlands also faces an ageing population, and a general enhancement of the qualifications of the existing workforce is one of the most effective ways of increasing competencies in the work force
Thank you for the invitation AARHUS UNIVERSITY Thank you for the invitation