4th Vienna Economic Forum Round Table 4 – Ecology and Sustainable Development in the Region – Water and Waste Management Andreas Tschulik
Estimated necessary investments in selected countries of the region Country Waste (Mio.€) Water (Mio.€) Romania 6000 10000 Bulgaria 1000 3300 Croatia 2200 Czech Rep. 400 3200 Slovakia 450 3400 Hungaria 1300 2800 Ukraine 800 600 Studies by Austrian Society for Ecology and Technology estimate the investment needs into water and waste management infrastructure for selected countries (with different time frames from 2008 - 2030)
Austrian exporting initiative for environmental technologies Austria as „Environmental Technology Leader“ shall become a high-tech supplier for environmental technologies with a regional focus in central and eastern Europe. Technological Focus: Waste Management Waste and Waste Water Treatment Water Supply Renewable Energies
Austrian exporting initiative for environmental technologies Austria is highly competitive in environmental technologies within the EU More the 50% of relevant Austrian companies have a growth rate of > 7% p.a. Export: > 70% Environmental Technologies Turnover (Baseline 2003) EU (Quelle: EC DG Env.) Ö (Quelle: WIFO-Studie) € 227 Mrd. € 2,6 Mrd. 2.2% GDP 4 % GDP 3,4 Mio. Empl. 20.000 Empl.
Austrian environmental technologies industry: Development 1993-2003 Q: WIFO-Erhebung 1995, 2000, 2005.
Relative importance of the environmental technology industry, 1993 - 2003 Source: WIFO surveys 1995, 2000, 2005, WIFO calculations, Statistics Austria: economic statistics, Austrian foreign trade database. ‑ ¹) estimate.
Environmental activities as share of the environmental industry, 1997 and 2003 Companies are assigned by their main product. Source: WIFO surveys 2000, 2005.