Psychosocial Development Erik Erikson Psychosocial Development
Stage 1 (Birth – 1 Year) Infancy Trust vs. Mistrust Is my world predictable and supportive? Basic Crisis: Receiving Care Attachment: Willingness to let the mother out of sight w/o anxiety and with certainty she will return. Failure to develop this trust may result in withdrawal or depression in adulthood.
Stage 2 (1-2 years) Toddlerhood Autonomy vs. Shame (1-2) Can I do it by myself or will I always need assistance? Basic Crisis: assertion of independence through exploration & testing limits. (WILL) Parents allow autonomy & impose safe limits Child emerges sure of oneself Feel proud rather than shame for maintaining their independence.
Stage 3 (3 to 5 years) Preschooler Initiative vs. Guilt Basic Crisis: ability to initiate tasks and carry out plans. Guilt occurs if parents discourage such initiative. (tying shoes) Parents must forbid some inappropriate behaviors, but in a way that doesn’t make child feel guilty. Unsuccessful resolution: unworthy and afraid all initiatives will fail.
Stage 4 (6-11, puberty) Elementary School Industry (Competence) vs. Inferiority Basic Crisis: Children learn the pleasure of applying themselves to a task, or they feel inferior. Constantly testing against peers for feelings of competency (industry) or lack of it (inferiority) Adult encouragement to be productive can lead to a desire to seek intellectual stim.
Stage 5 (12-20) Adolescence Identity vs. Role Confusion Basic Crisis: Who am I? Identity formation. Adolescents need to be able to try on different roles in a secure environment. Successful resolution: The ability to integrate various roles into 1 identity, or they become confused about who they are.
Stage 6 (20’s-40’s) Young Adulthood Intimacy vs. Isolation Basic Crisis: Loving Others Committing to a close, sharing relationship Surrendering some independence vs. keeping total independence Unsuccessful resolutions involve loneliness and may lead to promiscuity, and feelings of social isolation.
Stage 7 (40’s-60’s) Middle Adulthood Generativity vs. Stagnation Basic Crisis: The middle-aged discover a sense of contributing to the world, usually through family and work, or they may feel a lack of purpose Look beyond yourself and immediate groups Successful resolution: promotes caring attitudes and productive, happy feelings Unsuccessful resolution: Selfishness
Stage 8 (60’s and Up) Late Adulthood Integrity vs. Despair Basic Crisis: Acceptance of life lived w/o major regrets (successful resolution of the 7 previous crises in development) Successful resolution yields wisdom and an acceptance of self as being in the final phase of life Unsuccessful resolution may despair that time has “run out”, fear of death.
Poster on Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Development You will be creating a poster about Erikson’s 8 stages of development. Each group will illustrate both successful and unsuccessful resolutions of critical tasks at each stage. Indicate the specific name and age range of the stage. Include the name of the stage, appropriate illustrations, age ranges associated with the stage, and a description of the task. You may include script on your page if your pictures need captions or explanations This assignment will be turned in at the end of the hour or at the beginning of the next school day.