Welcome to… Know Your School Night Please take this time to complete the paperwork at your child’s seat. You may leave your completed form there and I will collect it after my presentation. If the information is correct on the eSchool Data Form, please sign where it is highlighted. If there are any mistakes, please make corrections where necessary with a colored pen (NOT BLACK INK).
Welcome to… Know Your School Night Lenox Elementary School 2018 - 2019 5th Grade Mrs. Lombardi
5th Grade Curriculum Busy year! Extensive curriculum available online. Two State Tests (ELA & Math) ELA TEST: April 1-5 MATH STATE TEST: April 30-May 7
Literacy Reading Literature and Non-Fiction, Foundational Skills (Fluency/Word Study), Writing, Speaking and Listening Workshop Model - shared, guided and independent reading and writing activities. Extensive Leveled library w/variety of genres Core Titles: Bridge to Terabithia Lewis and Clark Hatchet
English Language Arts – con’t Reading At Home Daily Reading Log (student-driven) Read minimum of 25 minutes each night, and record on Reading Log. Will increase as the year progresses. Just Right book (on their current reading level) There will be random checks to be sure students are keeping up to date with their work.
Mathematics GoMath! Eureka Math (Modules) i-ready.com Programs GoMath! Eureka Math (Modules) i-ready.com The goal is for students to spend a minimum of 45 minutes weekly at home Multiplication.com Free interactive website to practice multiplication fluency.
Homework Purpose: to reinforce skills and concepts taught during class – NOT make you crazy! If too difficult, make attempt and send in note! Assigned every night We copy homework in the morning Posted on the class website daily Weekend homework Incomplete classwork/missed homework PLANNER… Please sign daily Check that assignments were complete Check reminders/test announcements/notes Graded Work = CORRECT, SIGN & RETURN!
Report Card - Trimesters December 6th and December 7th – given out at Parent/Teacher Conferences March 21st and 22nd – given out at Parent/Teacher Conferences June 26th – given to students the last day of school Progress Reports Progress Reports will be sent home twice a year. February 1st and May 17th
Extra Help Monday: 11:40-12:10 Wednesday: 11:40-12:10 Students are encouraged to attend extra help. Students will be invited to join extra help sessions to work on specific skills or to complete unfinished work.
Instrumental Music Mr. Gordon Band = Tuesday Orchestra = Thursday Lessons are Thursdays or Fridays Lessons are the student’s responsibility. There is a schedule posted that students can refer to daily. Any questions or concerns please speak with Mr. Gordon
Snack & Birthdays Snack Birthday Please provide a one handed healthy snack Working snack for 10 minutes Birthday IF you would like you may send your child in with a snack for the class. Following school policy, please send in a nut-free snack with labeled ingredients. We have 23 students and napkins are always appreciated
Attendance Please call the office if your child is absent and provide a written note on the day he/she returns to school. The attendance policy is included on the website if you would like to read more about it.
Scholastic Book Orders Sent home approximately once per month Checks only please! Made payable to: Scholastic Books You may also order online http://clubs.scholastic.com/ with a credit card using our class code HHMPH
Behavioral Expectations Please review Student Discipline Code (available online) Rainbow Chart Student of the Month - Attendance, Behavior, Homework and Community Service Class Checkbook (Can you send in a register booklet?)
School Wide Behavior Plan There are six levels or “colors” to the plan. From top to bottom the colors are: purple, blue, green, yellow, orange, and red. Each student starts each day “fresh”, on the color green. Green represents GREAT behavior. The “green” student meets classroom expectations. He/she follows classroom rules, participates, cooperates, and is respectful and responsible. Students can move up and down throughout the day.
School Wide Behavior Plan Purple Exceptional and Outstanding Goes above and beyond expectations A role mode for other students Blue Very Good Behavior Puts forth best effort all day; follows routines with ease, Needs no reminders, consistently demonstrates “green” behavior Green Acceptable Meets classroom expectations, is respectful, responsible, participates and cooperates Yellow Warning Has broken a rule or a set of rules and needs an individual reminder or two to behave appropriately Orange Unacceptable Behavior Is not working up to ability level; is off-task, fooling around, defiant or bothersome to peers Red Out of Control Behavior Presents as a safety concern to self or others OR engages in any type of antisocial behavior, such as stealing or bullying
School Phone – Emergency Use Forgotten homework, instrument or other supplies are not excuses to call home or interrupt parents at work. Parents will be contacted if a child is…sick, doesn’t have food, or there is an academic or behavioral concern Students are not permitted to have cell phones, cameras or other recording devices. Phones will be confiscated if I see them. If there are extenuating circumstances, please notify Mrs. Baez. Student Technology
December Conference Thursday, December 6th Friday, December 7th Sign-up sheets are located on the back table Thursday, December 6th Friday, December 7th
Communication lombardihe@baldwinschools.org a quick note in the planner REMIND APP… Sign up now!
Project Wisdom Readers You are encouraged to sign up to be a Project Wisdom Reader this year. You can plan for a special day or when you have off from work. It takes about ten minutes in the morning Mrs. Baez will be available in the gym if you would like to sign up for a date or ask a question.
5th Grade Informational Meeting Please attend the 5th grade informational meeting in the lunch room at the conclusion of this presentation.
Paperwork & A Love Note Please leave the eSchool Data form and the note for your child at his/her seat. Be sure to make corrections and sign the bottom. Don’t forget to sign up for a December conference tonight.