MISD is committed to facilitating life-long learning for all students and preparing them for a technologically changing world by creating equitable and stimulating educational environments and developing and supporting staff. Goals for Information Technology: Provide a vision for the use of technology in the Mesquite Independent School District. Assess district/campus/classroom technology needs, and work to fulfill those needs.
STUDENT TEKSTEACHER STANDARDS Grades K-2: Information input and access Keyboarding and computer familiarity Use computers and technology for projects Grades 3-5: Proper keyboarding techniques Search strategies Use many vehicles for communication to a variety of audiences Grades 6-8: Use and application of multiple software applications Proficient keyboarding The TEKS can be taught integrated into other areas as a separate class, or both. ALL TEACHERS WILL… Use technology-related terms, concepts, data input, strategies, and ethical practices Identify task requirements and use current technology to acquire, analyze, and evaluate electronic information. Use task-appropriate tools to synthesize knowledge, create and modify solutions, and evaluate results Communicate information in different formats and for diverse audiences. Plan, organize, deliver, and evaluate instruction for all students that incorporates the effective use of current technology
FOUR KEY AREAS: Teaching and Learning Preparation and Development of Educators Leadership, Administration and Instructional Support Infrastructure for Technology
Key Area Summary Key AreaKey Area TotalKey Area STaR Classification Teaching and Learning 14Developing Tech Educator Preparation and Development 12Developing Tech Leadership, Admin., Instructional Support 16Advanced Tech Infrastructure for Technology 15Advanced Tech
Provide a set of clear goals and a realistic strategy for using telecommunications and information technology to improve education. To ensure that technology is an integral part of the learning, teaching, and administrative processes at Beasley in order that our students are technologically literate and prepared for the challenges of the 21st century. To accomplish a comprehensive integrated curriculum in a manner consistent with the schools teaching philosophy and approaches by a faculty trained and committed to developing their own technology skills with internal support services that provides quality equipment in classroom, library, labs and offices. To implement the technology at a rate responsive to the evaluative process which will produce the most productive environment and supportive atmosphere for successfully reaching the goal of technology integration. To provide a networked school campus, a ratio of one computer for every four students, educational software for curriculum enhancement, Internet access via the school network, improved classroom furniture, and renovate the computer lab.
A professional development strategy that ensures staff know how to use the new technologies to improve education.
Beasley strongly believes a technically skilled, proficient faculty is both the foundation and most crucial success factor to the integration of technology in the educational program. Providing this on-going training must be the first stage and priority of implementation. The Beasley technology plan must emphasis, prioritize, and support financially, the continual professional development of all faculty and staff.
A committed school leader A sustained learning time and practice for teachers resulting in action plans The teaching of teachers to analyze and negotiate quality classroom curriculum in general, and technology curriculum in particular, including the recognition of essential questions An attention to practical elements of time management, scheduling, lab availability, student to computer ratio, and growing independence of students The sustained support and follow up from internal and external resources An expectation that the professional development plan will continue for three to five years with a new group of teachers joining every year
Classroom demonstrations and presentations to the faculty of on-going projects and opportunities from our campus technology facilitator Technology Staff Developments through Pay For Knowledge. This will motivate as well as instruct in the use of technology in the classroom Set times for discussions to assess technology related areas as they relate to integrated learning Instruction in how to locate, implement, and secure resources Continued discussion of ethical and moral issues as they relate to the use and proliferation of information.
An evaluation of current technology and a time-frame for future technology needs
All teachers are equipped with Macintosh desktop computers and laptops. Each classroom has at least one Mac Three Promethean boards throughout the campus Fifth and sixth grade teachers have LCD projectors Computer Lab with 30 Macintosh desktop computers, mounted LCD projector Two class sets of Activotes Three carts containing 20 Mac Books Three class sets of Neo Boards
Every laptop and desktop computer has wireless connection to the MISD server Every student and teacher has their own log-in, in which they can save and access documents from any computer on campus Students are required to agree to and sign an Acceptable Use Policy
1-2 YEAR COMPLETION TIME FRAME 2-4 YEAR COMPLETION TIME FRAME Director of Technology needs to be hired to oversee the school networking and training of staff. Installation of Promethean Boards and mounted projectors in all 4-6 grade classrooms. Annually update software programs to ensure the most up-to-date programs are being used. Annually evaluate and purchase educational software titles that enhance existing curriculum. Renovate existing computer lab To create a 1 to 4 computer to student ratio will require 50 new classroom computers. (12-16/year) Install Promethean Boards in all classrooms with mounted LCD projectors Computer tables and related furniture added to accommodate the new computer stations
Evaluating the success and planning of the Technology Plan
Visions of the future should not be firmly fixed, but should remain flexible to accommodate change. Beasley Elementary must be ready to evaluate the ever-changing environment and new technologies that become available every year. The goal of the evaluation is to: Monitor success / failure of the Recommendations Review visions, goals, objectives in light of new materials Adjust action plans as needed Review / seek resources and new sources of funding Assure that the ultimate beneficiary of technology is the learner Assess the impact of the Recommendations on teaching and learning Evaluate the impact of emerging technologies
Annual evaluations must include consideration of any change in the educational environment and in technology, and must answer the following questions: Has the action implemented made a positive difference in what students are learning? What is the impact on teacher behavior? How can the program be improved? Is more or different training necessary? Are we meeting educational requirements? Have our needs changed? What are the benchmarks, evidences of success? Is the investment worth the outcome? Whats next?
MISD must follow and understand state standards for technology application Professional Development is an essential component for the successful implementation of technology Evaluating current technology at Beasley is the first step to determining our future needs and goals Yearly evaluations of technology plan and recommendations is essential to the success of a technology plan.
TEA. (2006). Texas long range plan for technology, Retrieved on February 10 from John, Smith (2006). Association of independent maryland schools sample technology plan. Retrieved on February, 10 from National Educational Technology Plan. Retreived on February 10 from National Educational Technology Plan - A New Golden Age In American Education: how the internet, the law and todays students are revolutionizing expectations. Retrieved on February 10 from offices/list/os/technology/plan/2004/plan.pdf Rodriguez, L.A. (2008 July). What are you doing with technology? Teaching Technology via Technology. Retreived January 23 from collaboratetechnolty.ning.com/forum/topics/ :Topic:24