What is Community……? Shares one or more common thing such as living in the same environment. Similar disaster risk exposure or having been affected by a disaster. Common problems, concerns,hopes regarding disaster risks may also be shared.
What is CBDP…..? A process of disaster preparedness, in which at risk communities are actively participating in the Planning, analysis, assessment, monitoring and evaluation of disaster risks in order to reduce their vulnerabilities and enhance their capacities.
Why CBDP….? Communities are the first responders. Self help is the best help To identify the vulnerability of the area. To identify the locally available resources To capacitate the community for optimum utilization of available resources. To empower themselves before any external support arrives.
Components of CBDP! Disaster Management Committee. Past history of Disasters. Seasonality of Disasters. Mapping Exercises #Resource Mapping # Risk & Vulnerability mapping # Safe alternate route Disaster Management Task Force
Process of CBDP Awareness Campaign Training Identification of Volunteers Training for Task force Women/Child participation in CBDP.
Types of Task Force Search & Rescue Team. Evacuation Team. First Aid Team. Early warning Team Water & Sanitation Team
HOWEVER………. People living in a community have different vulnerabilities and capacities Some may be more vulnerable or more capable than others We need to look at all the aspects for comprehensive risk reduction strategy