IT Architectural Template: Blank Introducing a template for assessing underlying technologies end-to-end!!! Maneuver Command & Control Force Protection Logistics Fires Intel Application Systems Network Systems & Services Transmission Systems The “cube”
IT Architectural Template: Populated “One man’s system is another man’s component.” Cube reveals the logical and physical relationships between all ‘systems’ used to support a Unit’s warfighting capabilities. CPOF Six Warfighting Functions C2 GCSS-MC F.P. AFATDS LOG. IOS(V)2 FIRES IOW MSIDS INTEL IOS(V)1 IOW C2PC GCCS-J Top Layer groups by functionality Middle Layer includes Network systems & network services. Bottom Layer consists of Transport systems MAN. TSM Exchange DNS Print Server Router Switch VDC-400 TACLINK 2000 EPLRS PRC-117 AN/MRC-142 AN/PRC-150 SATCOM
IT Architectural Template: Extended Representative view of a MEF Command Element’s communication’s architecture. Too many Bandwidth Hogs here!! Reality: Four networks competing for finite bandwidth (a.k.a. frequency spectrum).