Canada By: Raymon turner.


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Presentation transcript:

Canada By: Raymon turner

Physical map of Canada Quebec, British Columbia, Ontario, Alberta, and Saskatchewan are all some place in Canada.

Why Canadians live where they live Live along the boarder close to the U.S. Why they live close is because of easy trade.

Natural resources Coal, copper, fishing, gold, iron, oil, silver, and timber

Environmental issue and a solution Acid rain is an environmental issue caused by industrial activity such as coal burning The gases dissolve in rainwater to form acids. Which later fall as acid rain. A way to fix this issue is to cut back on how much industrial activity that is done at a time.

Image of Language Spoken in Canada English French

Quebec’s separation Quebec should separate because they could become a 1 language speaking country ( French ). Another reason they should separate is because they’ll be able to pay the fee owed to Canada from tourist. A reason they should NOT separate is because the debt they owe Canada, Canada will be able to square off their debt but Quebec would be in debt for a while. Another reason they should NOT separate is because a the east and west territories will have a hard time surviving with Quebec being independent.

Government distribution The citizens choose the legislatures and then the legislatures choose the prime minister. The prime minister chooses people from the territories and house of commons. Those people that chosen by the prime minister later join the senate. The people choose indirectly for the leader because they choose the legislature then the legislature choose who basically runs the country.

Roles Chief of state roll is to do work, make laws do everything like a president in a democracy. Head of state does the fun things. They go and wave to towns folk and they do everything that doesn’t involve work and they have a easy day/job.

NAFTA A agreement that allows whom ever is in the agreement a free pass threw their water. This is important to Canada because they are in debt so if they have to pay for passage their debt grows even bigger. That is why NAFTA is important to Canada. NAFTA keeps Canada out of an even bigger debt.
