Coniferous Forest Jason Huesman
Precipitation Range The average annual rainfall in a taiga is 30 – 90 cm. In some coniferous forests, it can reach up to 200 cm. Most of the precipitation come in the summer in the form of rain.
Temperature Range The temperature range goes from –40C to 10C.
Soil Characteristics The light-colored, usually acidic soils of coniferous forests are called podzols and have a compacted humus layer, known as mor, which contains many fungi. These soils are low in mineral content, organic material, and number of invertebrates such as earthworms.
Plant Adaptation Coniferous trees bark to protect against the cold. They are cone shaped, with flexible branches which help them to cope with heavy snow fall. Pine cones protect the seeds during the harsh winter.
Animal Adaptations Many birds migrate to warmer regions in winter, while the mammals may hibernate or develop heavy winter coats. Mammals found in the coniferous region include moose, deer, reindeer or caribou, mice and squirrels.
Locations (Latitudes & Longitudes) The latitude values for finding a coniferous forest is from 50 degrees to 60 degrees.