Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 Genesis 43 The Pinch of Want The Pain of Harsh Treatment The Press of Solitude The Proof of God’s Presence The Pattern of Necessity The Power of True Affections The Purge of Self-Confidence 1
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 The Pattern of Necessity The persistent God The pinch of material want brought the brothers to Egypt. The pain of harsh treatment and being accused as spies caused the brothers to begin to think. The press of solitude on the brothers’ consciences caused them to confess their sin. The proof of God’s presence caused the brothers to recognize God and His sovereignty. The pattern of necessity continued the process. 2
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 The Pattern of Necessity The forms of necessity The necessity of nature proves our lack of control. The necessity of the will of man makes us feel helpless and out of control yet hopeful for change. The necessity of circumstances can be inescapable yet hopeful for change. 3
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 The Pattern of Necessity Changed lives Judah is changed in a similar way to his brother Reuben. Judah, who was hard and self-centered, now softens to think of others first. Jacob finds himself wrestling with God again. Never say never. Israel – Jacob’s covenant name God Almighty – Jacob’s appeal to God 4
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 The Power of True Affections Drawn by love (Joseph’s kindness) Joseph had returned the brothers’ silver. They are invited to eat with Joseph. They are reassured about their money. Simeon is brought to them. Their feet are washed and donkeys fed. Joseph speaks to them kindly. A feast is given to the starving brothers. 5
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 The Power of True Affections Love for all God owes us nothing but justice. Common grace to all – Romans 2:4; Matthew 5:45 6
Romans 2:4 (NASB) 4 Or do you think lightly of the riches of His kindness and tolerance and patience, not knowing that the kindness of God leads you to repentance?
Matthew 5:44-45 (NASB) 44 “But I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you, 45 so that you may be sons of your Father who is in heaven; for He causes His sun to rise on the evil and the good, and sends rain on the righteous and the unrighteous.”
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 The Power of True Affections Love for all God owes us nothing but justice. Common grace to all – Romans 2:4; Matthew 5:45 Do you show contempt for the riches of God? God is leading you to repentance! But, you have to repent! 6
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 The Power of True Affections God’s love commended Grace is also uncommon – Romans 5:6-8. 7
Romans 5:6-8 (NASB) 6 For while we were still helpless, at the right time Christ died for the ungodly. 7 For one will hardly die for a righteous man; though perhaps for the good man someone would dare even to die. 8 But God demonstrates His own love toward us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us.
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 The Power of True Affections God’s love commended Grace is also uncommon – Romans 5:6-8. While we were still sinners oblivious to … God “commends” or “demonstrates” To establish, prove, or make certain To recommend or set forth in such a manner that the matter appeals to the heart This word is in the present tense! 7
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 The Power of True Affections No excuses! The brothers’ sin was long past. They could not change the consequences. There was no way for them to recognize Joseph. We have no excuses! Psalm 14:1 says there is a God. 8
Psalm 14:1 (NASB) 1 The fool has said in his heart, “There is no God.” They are corrupt, they have committed abominable deeds; There is no one who does good.
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 The Power of True Affections No excuses! The brothers’ sin was long past. They could not change the consequences. There was no way for them to recognize Joseph. We have no excuses! Psalm 14:1 says there is a God. Every good thing comes from Him. His kindness is leading us to repentance! 8
James 1:17 (NASB) 17 Every good thing given and every perfect gift is from above, coming down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shifting shadow.
Let Your Conscience Be Your Guide? #3 Application Are you fighting against the circumstances God has brought into your life? Are you wrestling against the God of Jabbok? Is God’s kindness drawing and calling you to repentance? Unto salvation? Or unto restoration? Will you repent of your sin and place your faith and trust in Jesus? 9