NHSC Homeland Security Grants Return on Investment Study In light of proposed budget cuts and pressure from Congress for better measurement of the effectiveness of homeland security grant programs, the National Homeland Security Consortium (NHSC), plans to examine where opportunities exist to assess the role of federal assistance to state and local governments as well as state and local expenditures in the progress towards national preparedness made since 9/11. NEMA received permission from FEMA to utilize grant funding dedicated to the Consortium to fund a study focused on the federal return on investment from homeland security grant funding to state and local governments. The study will be conducted under the umbrella of the NHSC. Through an RFP process, CNA was selected as the contractor to support the project. The individual association logos that you see on the slide are those whose members will be asked to respond to a national survey. We felt that a unified message and co-branding would be the most effective approach to encouraging our respective members to be supportive and participate in the survey effort. The project itself is an initiative of the broader Consortium.
Goal To examine the return on investment of federal spending (SHSGP, UASI) in building and sustaining core capabilities, as well as state and local contributions toward the National Preparedness Goal Note: the amount of funding available for the project necessitated a focus on SHSGP and UASI grants instead of the full suite of homeland security grants.
Research Questions How much money has been invested by state and local governments in pursuit of terrorism preparedness? How is this spending impacted by federal assistance? How have the assets, people, and capability bought with funding contributed to national preparedness and made progress toward the National Preparedness Goal? What has preparedness funding bought since 9/11 and what capability do we have now that we didn’t have then? What is the return on investment of the federal investment in preparedness? What level of risk has been reduced for the nation?
Research and Analysis Data Points FEMA Data Biannual Strategy Investment Report (BSIR) Submissions (SHSGP, UASI) THIRAs State Preparedness Report Submissions Grant Application Investment Justifications State/UASI Data State/Local Investments Event Based Data Critical Asset Data Mutual Aid Data
Survey Questions Areas of Focus SHSGP/UASI Expenditures FY17 State Expenditures on Homeland Security (all agencies) Fusion Centers Regional Exercises Impact of Reductions in Homeland Security Grant Funding Specialized Teams and Return on Federal Investment Hazardous Materials (HazMat) Response Incident Management Structural Collapse and Urban Search and Rescue (USAR) The survey will go to all States, Territories and DC. It will also be sent to all current UASI jurisdictions (roughly 244 cities and counties). We’ll target an additional 29 former UASI jurisdictions for comparison purposes. So, total approximately 273 current and former UASIs. These specialized response teams were selected because they are some of the most measurable and representative of core capabilities central to national preparedness. Also, most commonly requested through EMAC.
Timeline November December January - February March - April May Survey Development November Survey Pre-test December Survey States/Locals January - February Data Analysis March - April National Report May