CLIL TEACHER TRAINING PIALE Fall 2017 Beatriz López-Suevos Hernández
Ottawa Canada’s capital city. Population of 1.1 million people within the region. Close to Montreal, Toronto, Quebec City, and Niagara Falls. 6th largest city in Canada. Borders Ontario and Quebec. Many festivals throughout the year. Numerous museums and art offerings. Within and close to nature. Availability of embassies. Excellent transportation system.
About the OCDSB 26 High Schools. 116 Elementary Schools. 5 Alternative Schools 7,000 employees. 75,000 students. Experience in teacher training, study tours, delegations, visitors. Leader in assessment and evaluation, inclusive practices, language teaching and learning, special education, instructional coaching, lifelong learning, outdoor education. International Projects via the Ottawa International Projects and Exchanges (OIPE ).
Language & Literacy Programs in Ontario English and French. In Ontario, all students take Core French or French Immersion. International Languages are mandated. ESL support programs have become integrated in schools. Sheltered courses (accommodation in language and content). All teachers are language teachers – our new philosophy. Language and Literacy Instructional Coaches. Teachers to develop language and literacy in ALL classes via good strategies.
Teacher Training Features Language Development Confidence building Content specific Generic “talk” Cultural enrichment Methodology Communicative approaches Content-based strategies Planning, assessment and evaluation Materials development Enriching literacy and critical thinking skills
Topics for Educators Assessment, evaluation and evidencing Task-based teaching Instructional coaching High-yield strategies Backward design Differentiation strategies and learning styles Reflective teaching Literacy enhancing strategies via reading, writing, oral communication Cooperative learning 4C and CLIL principles (European bilingual programs) Interactive classrooms
Host Family Benefits Important for cultural understanding. Key for exposure to Canadian English. Families are carefully screened. Families receive an orientation and guidelines. 24-hour emergency support. Visitors are provided with guidelines and tips for living with a Canadian family. Matches are done carefully with the profiles of both host and client in mind.