Reflections from Scottish Government Professor Craig White Scottish Government @craigwhitephd
1 2 3 4 5 6 Aim Correct changes Clear change method Measurement The six questions to be asked of EVERY change programme… 1 Aim Is there an agreed aim that is understood by everyone in the system? 2 Correct changes Are we using our full knowledge to identify the right changes & prioritising those that are likely to have the biggest impact on our aim? 3 Clear change method Does everyone know and understand the method(s) we will use to improve? 4 Measurement Can we measure and report progress on our improvement aim? 5 Capacity and capability Are people and other resources deployed and being developed in the best way to enable improvement? 6 Spread plan Have we set out our plans for innovating, testing, implementing and sharing new learning to spread the improvement everywhere?
“..transforming systems is ultimately about transforming relationships among people who shape those systems. Many otherwise well-intentioned change efforts fail because leaders are unable or unwilling to embrace this simple truth” Senge et al. (2015), The dawn of system leadership, Stanford Social Innovation Review, winter pp.27-30
2000 teams globally (every continent represented) 700+ Scottish teams 30 countries 2000 teams globally (every continent represented) 200,000 #WMTY17 resources distributed globally 23 million twitter accounts reached in 48 hours June 5th-7th
“Compassionate leadership creates the necessary conditions for innovation among individuals, in teams, in the process of inter-team working, at the level of organisation functioning as a whole, and in cross-boundary or systems working”. Michael West et al (May 2017) Thank you
What motivates you? How do you respond to difficulties? How do you seek out the unknown? How do you see your future, and that of your team, your organisation, and of Scotland? Do you inspire others? Can you maintain a positive outlook? Do you demonstrate exemplary teamwork? Can you engage people from all backgrounds? Do you know what others think about you? How do you respond to those views? Do you understand the wider system? Can you demonstrate empathy? How do you feel about your place in the system? What is your purpose & potential? What makes you do what you do? Are you willing to learn?