New Tool to Help Prevent Readmissions Modified LACE Tool Implementation Date: April 29
Modified LACE Tool Tool developed to identify patients at high risk for readmission A score is calculated based on four criteria: anticipated length of stay (avg 3 days) admission (inpatient or observation) co-morbidities number of ED visits in past 6 months
Score > 11 identifies patient at risk
Calculation of LACE Score Score will automatically be calculated after admission history is completed If score > 11, automatic orders will be generated: Social service consult Educate importance of taking meds as ordered Educate signs/symptoms of disease and when to call physician
Automatic nursing orders for education Automatic social service consult
Education orders will show up daily in the blue well
Patient Education Primary diagnosis Meds Follow-up appointment Signs and symptoms to report and who to call
Ask Me 3 and Teach-Back Patient should be able to answer: What is my main problem? What do I need to do? Why is it important for me to do this? Use Teach-Back to assess patient/family understanding: “I want to be sure that I explained your medication correctly. Can you tell me how you are going to take this medicine?”