Reminders (8/14/17) Vocabulary Unit 6 Quiz – no notes, m.c. 30 questions – Friday, 8/18 Did you SIGN UP for Online Springboard Class? Please do so ASAP – directions have been posted to the blog. Blog Updates Unit 1 Cultural Conversations test – Monday, 8/21 M.C. Written portion (2 parts) Things Fall Apart – Did you already read it? Or are you reading it? COMPLETED BY Monday, 8/21 Need a copy of The Tragedy of Othello (No Fear copy is OK) by Monday, 8/28
Opening: Synthesis Based on your number, identify 3-5 key words from your text that define cultural identity What is Cultural Identity? Ethnic Hash Two Kinds Frida Kahlo texts Legal Alien By Any Other Name With your integrated group, using THREE words from each of the texts represented in your group, define cultural identity. Definition of Synthesis: The act of combining ideas from different sources to create, express, or support a new idea.
Intro to EA#2 – Writing a Synthesis Paper P. 59 – Identify the skills and knowledge you will need to complete this task Rubric Review Identify the skills needed on the proficient category of the rubric. Remember our first time – circle verbs and underline the nouns, etc. Sticky notes for each one Self-Assessment: Traffic Light with skills
Collaborative Group Work Time Establish your position, write your thesis, choose your texts Divide the essay (organize by claim or by text) Each student will input his/her email address on my laptop so I can share our class folder with you. That is where you will collaboratively work on your synthesis essay and where I will grade it.