Silvana Buarque, Marie Drévillon, Charles Desportes, Charly Régnier Mercator Products : last monitoring products and Ocean Indian monsoon ocean processes Silvana Buarque, Marie Drévillon, Charles Desportes, Charly Régnier
Mercator Products : last monitoring products
Global Ocean : Present situation (March 2010) Global SST Anomaly (1/4° resolution – Ref Levitus 1950-2008) Heat content anomaly (first 300m) (1/4° resolution – Ref Levitus 1950-2008)
Global Ocean : Present situation (March 2010) Hovmuller Depth anomaly T20°C (1/4° resolution Analysis – Ref Levitus 1950-2008) Hovmuller Depth anomaly T20°C (ECMWF Analysis)
Equatorial Pacific Ocean : Present situation (March 2010) Niño 3.4 SST mean : 28.1 °C SST Anomaly : + 0.8 °C SST Anomaly monthly tendency : - 0.2 °C Niño 1+2 SST mean : 25.8 °C SST Anomaly : - 0.1 °C SST Anomaly monthly tendency : - 0.5 °C
Indian Ocean : Present situation (March 2010) WTIO SST mean : 29.9 °C SST Anomaly : + 0.9 °C SST Anomaly monthly tendency : + 0.1 °C SETIO SST mean : 29.4 °C SST Anomaly : + 0.5 °C SST Anomaly monthly tendency : - 0.5 °C
Indian Ocean : Present situation (March 2010) Indian Ocean warmer than normal negative wind stress anomaly in the very western part Tendancy to warming in the western part of IO and Bengal Bay West-East surface slope anomaly increasing T and currents at 30m time tendancy (March - February) Dynamic Height anomaly and surface currents (March)
Mercator Products : Ocean Indian monsoon ocean processes
Summer monsoon (JJA 2009), validation of meridional surface current observations analysis southeastward current in the Oman sea Distribution of meridional current errors
Winter monsoon (DJF 2009/2010), validation of zonal surface current observations analysis Distribution of current direction errors Drifter trapped in zonal westward winter monsoon current
Winter monsoon (DJF 2009/2010) validation of subsurface water masses RMS difference between temperature in situ profiles and Mercator Océan analysis and forecast at various ranges, here hindcast or best analysis (0-500m) Blue : Best Analysis (Hindcast) Red : Forecast 6 Days Cyan : Forecast 3 Days Yellow : Persistency Brown: ARIVO climatology (2002-2009) Green : WOA05 climatology
Indian Monsoons and Upwelling Boreal Summer Currents from western Arabian Sea to Bay of Bengal + Somali Current The Great Whirl (5°N) The Great Whirl et le Socotra Eddy (5°N and10°N) Notes: Intense surface and 30m currents The Southern Gyre (SG) The Great Whirl (GW) SC + Somali Current (SC) + Socotra Eddy (SE)
Indian Monsoons and Upwelling Boreal Summer Currents from western Arabian Sea to Bay of Bengal + Somali Current The Great Whirl (5°N) Notes: - Intense surface and 30m currents
Indian Monsoons and Upwelling Boreal Summer The Great Whirl et le Socotra Eddy (5°N and10°N) Notes: - Intense surface and 30m currents
Indian Monsoons and Upwelling Boreal Winter Somali Current The Great Whirl (5°N)