EGI EPOS Competence Center EGI Community Forum - Bari 10.11.2015
Agenda Introduction (D.Bailo) Summary of AAAI use case (Mariusz or Tomasz) Discussion and approvation of a roadmap to implement the pilot AAAI use case Summary of computational use case (A. Spinuso) Discussion and approvation of a roadmap to implement the pilot computational use case Project reporting
AAI use case summary Main topic: AAI Delegation Goal Only 1 login – Delegation Issues Many system, sometimes non interoperable EPOS-EGI-CC AARC
Observatoire de Paris-Meudon
INAF Catania SAML2 implementation (Shibboleth) and Integration in LifeRay
AAI use case summary Main topic: AAI Delegation
Cyfronet UNIfied identiTY User Browser A&A Science Gateway Consumer A&A CTA LDAP Science Gateway LDAP Provider Monte Carlo Simulations UNIfied identiTY management Data Distiller Attribute DB Data Reduction (Fermi-tools usecase) Liferay-based portal (available soon)
AAAI use case 1 test – january 2016 2 guidelines – june 2016 3 suggestions – october 2016
Computational use case Overview
Computational use case actions STAGE ONE 1.1 - Best strategy for WS-PGRADE to access Fed Cloud partners (CNRS - GRNET) 1.2 - Secure and Efficient Data Transfer protocols towards the Current iRODS VERCE - DMS (GridFTP X.509) 1.3 - Impact evaluation on the current VERCE Science Gateway STAGE TWO 2.1 - Integration of third party Data Storage Services (EUDAT/EGI) and Unity based AAI (EPOS-CC 2nd Task Force and Long Tail of Science) 2.2 - Porting the Misfit computational service according to results.
Computational use case Requirements Requirements for STAGE ONE VMI with specific distributions of Python - Obspy / support of gUSE communication middleware Slave - DCI Bridge Fixed public IPs and Internal Floating IP Outbound connectivity (query and download data from seismic networks, push metadata for provenance preservation) Support of X.509 Certificates and Port Range for GridFTP Transfer How to execute dispel4py workflows? (multiprocessing, MPI, Storm)
Computational use case Tentative roadmap Best strategy for WS-PGRADE to access Fed Cloud partners (CNRS) Make VERCE VO Ask cloud site to support the VO (March: CNRS hiring) 2. grant access to CNRS on SCAI VERCE instance 3. Test the WS-PGRADE on the CNRS – site of Fedcloud with VERCE VO 4. In order to be interoperable with the EGI-EUDAT pilot: - gridftp trasnfer (iRods instance on pilot) (