Bringing the 'face' of the EU into the classroom EU BACK TO SCHOOL Bringing the 'face' of the EU into the classroom FAQs
FAQs 1. What's in it for me? 2. Who can take part? EU BACK TO SCHOOL FAQs 1. What's in it for me? 2. Who can take part? 3. How do I sign up? 4. Is my trip financed? 5. Target age group? 6. Arrangements with my school 7. What should I talk about/Talk to Media? 8. Feedback
What's in it for me? -Speak with young people. -Get a reality check. EU BACK TO SCHOOL What's in it for me? -Speak with young people. -Get a reality check. -Reminded how day-to-day work counts. -Practise public speaking -Meet your favourite teachers!
2. Who can take part? Inter-institutional. EU BACK TO SCHOOL 2. Who can take part? Inter-institutional. 9 other EU Institutions/agencies participate. In the EC: Commission officials Contract agents ENDs EC trainees cannot go on mission on behalf of the EC, unfortunately.
EU BACK TO SCHOOL 3. How do I sign up? - Invitation sent by EC Representation/Austrian Perm Rep to participate.
Support your request with letter sent to your Director-General EU BACK TO SCHOOL 4. Is my trip financed? Different terms per EU Institution! Check! In EC: Lump sum to contribute to costs Support your request with letter sent to your Director-General
EU BACK TO SCHOOL 5. Target age group? Secondary level pupils
Send link to Teachers' Corner in advance. EU BACK TO SCHOOL 6. Arrangements with my school - Contact school - Check number of pupils and age group - EU knowledge? - Equipment available? Send link to Teachers' Corner in advance. See Practical Tips
Get Ideas for your presentation on Back to School website! EU BACK TO SCHOOL 7. What should I talk about? -Up to you and the school -Discuss it well in advance Get Ideas for your presentation on Back to School website!
EU BACK TO SCHOOL Media Opportunities? A VISIT BACK TO SCHOOL CAN CREATE GREAT MEDIA INTEREST. Especially good opportunity to get Regional coverage. Practical way to reach out to so many people. Visits create link to European Elections 2019
Social Media Opportunities? EU BACK TO SCHOOL Social Media Opportunities?
BACK TO SCHOOL 8. Feedback Particpants complete a short feedback form EU BACK TO SCHOOL BACK TO SCHOOL 8. Feedback Particpants complete a short feedback form - what has worked for you? - what was of interest concern to pupils etc. Share your PPT and photos!
Back to School Intranet EU BACK TO SCHOOL Back to School Intranet