How a Bill Becomes a Law SSS: 3.9 – Describe the law making process EQ: Why does it take so long for most bills to become laws?
Just over 3 minutes
Time to Read!! “How a Bill Becomes Law” (page 95-97) 10-15 minutes
Glue them down in the correct spot. Cut out each Step. Complete the How a Bill Becomes a Law Flow Chart with your elbow partner. Glue them down in the correct spot. Cut out each Step. 20-30 minutes ***You might want to have me check it before you use glue!!!
When you finish…. Answer the question on the back of your paper (minimum of 3 sentences) Get a computer, go on iCivics 10-15 minutes
Race to the finish… You will compete with the other side of the room to get the steps of the law making process in the correct order before they do! The winning side takes the prize!! 10 minutes