PYP STUDENT LED CONFERENCES Kimberly Lebovitz - PYP Coordinator Helen C. Peirce School of International Studies
Lines of Inquiry (An Inquiry Into…): what a Student Led Conference is Central Idea: Student Led Conferences support students to become actively responsible for their own learning. Lines of Inquiry (An Inquiry Into…): what a Student Led Conference is what the pilot means for your child what Student Led Conferences mean for all PYP children at Peirce
What a Student Led Conference Is... According to IB: **Involves the student and the parent **Students are responsible for leading the conference **Students take responsibility for their learning by sharing the process with their parents. **Students may demonstrate their understanding through a variety of different learning situations **There may be several conferences taking place simultaneously **Students will discuss and reflect upon samples of work that they or their teacher have chosen **Students will identify strengths and areas for improvement **Teacher as facilitator
Parents Role What did you learn during your inquiry unit? **parents will gain a clear insight into the kind of work their child is doing **to listen and ask questions Questions such as: What did you learn during your inquiry unit? What was your unit about? What project did you do with this unit? What is your project about? How did you do on your project? What could you have done better? How are you doing in your class?
Student Led Conferences in Action A short video from Wildwood Magnet School - Chicago Public Schools
What the Pilot means for your child... During 3rd Quarter Report Card Pick Up, 9 classrooms will be piloting Student Led Conferences: 1st Grade Ms. Dietz Ms. Sweeney 2nd Grade Ms. Bencel 3rd Grade Ms. Zisook Ms. Mangas Dr. Terzian 4th/5th Grade Ms. Wasson M s. Nigh Ms. Leventis.
What student led conferences mean for all students... 2016-2017 - 1st & 3rd Quarter *Students become more motivated and reflective *Parents/Students/Teachers become partners in student achievement