Welcome to our New Year 7 Parent Information Evening
Welcome Mr. Mitchell (Head of School) Reflection Mr. Young (Curriculum Leader for RE) Mr. Perkins Assistant Headteacher Mrs. Berry Aidan House Mr. Leask Bede House Mr. Logan Cuthbert House Mrs. Hardy Jones Dunstan House
The Pastoral System “The good of all concerned may prompt us to a little strictness in order to amend faults and to safeguard love”. Saint Benedict
The Pastoral System - Our Houses Siblings remain in the same house Head of house is your way of contacting the school. Strong sense of identity and competition.
Pastoral Team Head of School Mr P Mitchell SENCO Mrs. Hall School Chaplain Adam Morales Assistant Head Pastoral Mr I Perkins Attendance Miss. Burdis AIDAN BEDE CUTHBERT DUNSTAN HoH Mrs. B. Berry Mr. M. Leask HoH Mrs. K. Coyles Mrs. R. Elliott HoH Mr. Logan HoH Mrs. K. Hardy Jones Mrs. Cobain Group Tutors *Pupils are allocated to Houses using sibling links and other factors.
Partnership between home and school We have developed and continue to build fantastic partnerships with you - the parents. Our job is made much easier if we have your support. Our aim is that all pupils are safe, happy and successful. We look forward to counting on your support for the years to come.
The School Day 8.40am: Registration 9.00am: Period 1 10.00am: Period 2 11.00am: Break 11.15am: Period 3 12.15am: Lunch 1.00pm: Period 4 2.00pm: Period 5 3.00pm: End of school day.
Attendance and Expectations Each child is supplied with a school planner, this can be a good method of communicating information to your child’s tutor. This needs to be checked and signed every week. We expect all pupils to strive for 100% attendance with a minimum of 95% attendance in each year. We work closely with the local authority for pupils who do not achieve this target. Medical appointments - please bring a letter into school prior to this to receive a pass from your Head of House. School starts at 8.40 am - we expect pupils to be lined up ready for registration / assembly at 8.30 am.
Attendance and Expectations Pupils must have a planner, pen, pencil, ruler with them at all times. Planners are supplied. The planner should be used every lesson to highlight homework and signed once a week by both tutors and parents/guardians. Outstanding behaviour is expected at all times. Pupils should show respect to all members of staff and each other.
Uniform •Top buttons must be fastened, ties must be fastened and kept at an appropriate length. •Appropriate Oxford, formal footwear. No pumps. •No makeup or extreme hairstyles. Hair must be tied back from the face and grade 2 is the minimum we accept. Skirts must be knee length.
Pupils are set in ability groups in Years 7-11. The Year 7 Curriculum Pupils are set in ability groups in Years 7-11. English Art Maths Geography Science History RE French PE IT Mandarin PSHE Music Technology
Next Steps
Getting Prepared Uniform. Stationery and bag. Water bottle. Homework booklets.
Transport - The Nexus Routeplanner Scholars’ buses will all arrive at school before 08:35 and will depart at 15:05. All students are issued with a pass for the service they need to use.
Tuesday 4th September 8.30am The First Day Please mention website and Twitter for announcements.