Eschatology The Judgments Part 4
Speaking of the Millennium, apart from the iron rule of Christ (Psalm 2:9; Revelation 2:27; 12:5; 19:15) in which rebels will be crushed, there will be no need for judgments. Satan will be bound in the bottomless pit and rendered incapable to deceiving or influencing people. (Rev. 20:1-3) With the influence of the devil, the curse upon the earth will be lifted at least in part. Peace will prevail through the earth because the Prince of Peace will reign on the earth. In a frightening testimony to ultimate depravity of the fallen heart, Satan will be freed for a short time at the end of the Millennium.
Multitudes of children will have been born during that time Multitudes of children will have been born during that time. Each of them will have a fallen nature, being a direct descendant of Adam. Even though Christ will on the earth there will be large numbers of people who reject Him as Savior. It is to these that Satan will appeal in one final rebellion against God. These will make an assault upon Jerusalem and face utter destruction in the process. (Rev. 20:7-9)
Judgment of Satan and the Fallen Angels They will be cast into the everlasting fire, prepared for the devil and his angels. (Matthew 25:41; Rev. 20:10; Jude 6,7; 2 Pet. 2:4) This is the very fate feared by the demons when they asked our Lord, art thou come hither to torment us before the time? (Mat. 8:29; Luke 8:31) In some manner, believers will participate in this judgment. (1 Cor. 6:3)
The Great White Throne Judgment The final judgment transpires at the end of the Millennium. It encompasses the unsaved people of all the ages. (Rev. 20:11-15) Throughout the New Testament is that believers are always characterized in terms of life, and unbelievers are always characterized in terms of death. Whether inconspicuous or prominent, every unsaved person will stand before God at the Great White Throne judgment.
Books at this Judgment Book of Life Books of Deeds – Rom. 2:1-16 Word of God – John 12:47,48
The point in question at this judgment will not be salvation The point in question at this judgment will not be salvation. This is why men are judged according to the gospel. People do not go to tell primarily because of their sins. They go to hell because their sins are not forgiven because they have not believed the truth in Christ. The Great White Throne judgment will be for the purpose of finally convincing every sinner of his true condition and to judge his deeds as a sinner (they were judged every man according to their works).
The unsaved will be raised from the dead from every place The unsaved will be raised from the dead from every place. Revelation 19:6 indicates that those who experience the first resurrection will never be touched by the second death. The final disposition of people who are not part of the first resurrection will be the second death. (Revelation 19:14) As the unsaved of all the ages are cast into the lake of fire, it will be forever.
Judgment upon the Earth This is a physical judgment upon the earth itself. (2 Pet. 3:9-13) With the exception of the lake of fire where the appetite for sin will not doubt continue without any means of gratification, God will purge His universe of sin. The closest modern man can come to understanding this destruction of the earth is compared to nuclear reaction. The elements literally liquefy and then burn utterly.
God is not going to renovate the earth God is not going to renovate the earth. He is going to replace it and the atmospheric heavens around it. Believers are admonished to examine their values and lifestyle in light of the fact that the material world is only temporary. In the new heavens and new earth there will be no sin!