TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy


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Presentation transcript:

TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy Indicator 11: Child Find (Timely Initial Evaluation) Choose the 2012-13 School Year Date. Section One – Complete the required information. (Calculation check: a.1. + a.2. must = a.) Section Two – Complete the required information. (b. pertains to the evaluation timeline, and c. pertains to the eligibility determination by ARD committee timeline) May 2013 TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy

TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy Section Three: Complete the required information. Required cells for data entry are white. All other cells (colored) automatically populate from appropriate entry cells. d. automatically populates from entry in d.1. and d.2. (pertains to evaluation reports NOT within the State established timeline) e. automatically populates from entry in e.1. and e.2. (pertains to the eligibility determination by ARD committee NOT within the State established timeline) f. automatically populates from entry in f.1. – f.6. (pertains to reasons for delays counted in d. and e. and must = d. + e.) For f.6. Other, a brief description must be added. District Percentage against 100% State target is automatically calculated based on the federally required indicator measurement. All data collected does not automatically calculate into compliance percentage, but is included for required reporting purposes. May 2013 TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy

TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy Calculation and Error Message examples: Section One - total in a. must equal a.1. + a.2. (example 7 + 3 = 10) Section Two – if total in b. is less than a. (example: 5<10) the difference (5) must be accounted for in d.1. and d.2. Section Two – if total in c. is less than a. (example: 0<10) the difference (10) must be accounted for in e.1. and e.2. Section Three – for any calculation total errors, a warning message will be displayed, in red, to the right of the cells affecting the total errors. (example: e.1. + e.2. must equal a. – c. and does not in this case (3 + 2 ≠ 10) Section Three – f.6. Other should generally only include reasons for delay that would be considered NON exceptions and not listed in f.1. – f.5. However, this example (weather delay) would more than likely have resulted in a waiver request from the district due to weather or other disaster like delays, and the district likely would have been granted a waiver. Those waivered days should not be counted in the state established timeline, and therefore should not be used as a reason for delay. This is a common “other” example that is NOT appropriate. (refer to explanation in PowerPoint notes) May 2013 TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy

Click link to pop-down help with entry calculations. Provided link to searchable help database of help topics for the SPP application Click link to pop-down help with entry calculations. Help Link: Provides link to database of help topics for the SPP application. It is searchable, as well as indexed alphabetically and by content. Users should be able to find answers to most application questions within this database. Show/Hide Instructions: Provides pop-down information, upon mouse click, pertaining to calculations and mandatory entry requirements. May 2013 TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy

TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy Indicator 12: Child Find (Early Childhood Transition) Choose the 2012-13 School Year Date. Section One – Complete the required information. (Include total number of children served in Part C/ECI and referred to Part B for eligibility determination regardless of when the district receives the referral from Part C/ECI) Section Two – Complete the required information. (b. pertains to the Eligibility Determinations and found NOT eligible BY their third birthday, and c. pertains to the Eligibility Determinations and found eligible BY their third birthday) Section Three – Complete the required information. (d. pertains to exceptions to timeline due to parent delays found in 34 CFR §300.300(b) or §300.301(d); and e. pertains to exceptions to timeline if the child was referred to Part C (ECI) less than 90 days before their third birthday.) Exceptions counted in Section Three are subtracted out of the compliance calculation. Required cells for data entry are white. All other cells (colored) automatically populate from appropriate entry cells. May 2013 TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy

TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy Section Four – Complete all the required information. Required cells for data entry are white. All other cells (colored) automatically populate from appropriate entry cells. f. automatically populates from entry in f.1. and f.2. (pertains to evaluation process completed and child determined NOT eligible AFTER their third birthday – Non-Exceptions; f.1. for 1-30 calendar days and f.2. for 31+ calendar days) g. automatically populates from entry in g.1. and g.2. (pertains to evaluation process completed and child determined eligible AFTER their third birthday – Non-Exceptions; g.1. for 1-30 calendar days and g.2. for 31+ calendar days) h. automatically populates from entry in h.1. – h.6. (pertains to reasons for delays counted in f. and g. and must = f. + g.) For h.6. Other, a brief description must be added. District Percentage against 100% State target is automatically calculated based on the federally required indicator measurement. All data collected does not automatically calculate into compliance percentage, but is included for required reporting purposes. May 2013 TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy

TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy Calculation and Error Message examples: Section One - total in a. is user entered and basis for calculations (ensure accuracy) Section Two – calculates automatically with entries in b. and c. (b. + c. = Section Two) Section Three – if total in Section Two is less than a. (example: 70<100); the difference (30) must be accounted for in d., e., f., and/or g. Section Four – for any calculation total errors, a warning message will be displayed, in red, to the right of the cells affecting the total errors. (example: f. + g. must equal Section Four total (a-(b+c)-(d+e)), and does not in this case (2 + 7 ≠ 10)) Section Four – h. must equal f. + g. (example 8 ≠ 2 + 7) Section Four - h.6. Other should generally only include reasons for delay that would be considered NON exceptions and not listed in h.1. – h.5. However, this example (move to Mexico and back delay) would have resulted in a break in Part C services due to parent move. This student should not be counted in SPP 12 at all. (See SPP Indicator 12 FAQ Question # 13) This is a common “other” example that is NOT appropriate. (refer to explanation in PowerPoint notes) May 2013 TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy

Click link to pop-down help with entry calculations. Provided link to searchable help database of help topics for the SPP application Click link to pop-down help with entry calculations. Help Link: Provides link to database of help topics for the SPP application. It is searchable, as well as indexed alphabetically and by content. Users should be able to find answers to most application questions within this database. Show/Hide Instructions: Provides pop-down information, upon mouse click, pertaining to calculations and mandatory entry requirements. May 2013 TEA Division of Federal and State Education Policy