Language Arts Weekly Homework Mrs. Rea Reading Logs: Students are to read 20-30 minutes Monday through Thursday nights. They then write 3 sentences about what they had read each night. This is due on Fridays. It is helpful, but not required if the student reads aloud to the parent, and then the parent is able to check answers. Weekly Paragraph: Students are given a writing prompt on Monday. Wednesday, the edited rough draft and completed graphic organizer is due. Friday, the TYPED final copy is due. Topics are based on unit themes. Students are to work independently and do their best work. They will be graded using the 6 traits of writing (Ideas, Organization, Voice, Word Choice, Fluency, and Written Language Conventions). They should have a topic sentence, 3-5 supporting details and a concluding sentences. The topic will be written on the back of the graphic organizer or typed out for you. The only time we will not have a weekly paragraph is when we do not have a full five day school day. 3. Spelling Words- They are usually spelling words to study. They will be given a copy of the words each time there are new words.
LANGUAGE ARTS WEEKLY HOMEWORK Monday: Writing prompt will be assigned (only if it is a five day work week. Do Reading Log Study Spelling Words Tuesday: - Do Reading Log Do edited rough draft and graphic organizer (DUE tomorrow) Wednesday: Work on final copy of weekly writing prompt (DUE Friday) Thursday: Do Reading Log (DUE TOMORROW) Work on final typed copy of weekly writing prompt (DUE tomorrow) Friday: Reading Log DUE Final typed copy of writing prompt DUE No Homework for the weekend