Questions: Patryce C. Kennerson x1666 Understanding VA Payments for Blended, Online, and Developmental Courses Questions: Patryce C. Kennerson x1666
Types of VA Benefits Post 9/11 Chapter. 33 (Veteran and Dependent) Montgomery G.I. Bill (Active Duty) Chapter. 30 Dependent Education Assistance Chapter. 35 Vocational Rehabilitation Chapter. 31
Types of VA Benefits (cont.) Montgomery G.I. Bill – Selected Reserve Chapter. 1606 Reserve Educational Assistance Program(REAP) Chapter. 1607 Veteran’s Educational Assistance Program (VEAP) Chapter. 32
These classes can be in three formats: What Classes Does VA Pay for Students to Complete a Degree Or Certificate? Veteran Affairs will pay for students to take classes to complete a degree or certificate program. These classes can be in three formats: Lecture (Face-to-Face) Online Blended Developmental/Remedial
How Does VA Determines the Enrollment Student’s Status? Financial Aid 12 Credit Hours = Full-Time 9 Credit Hours = 3/4 Time 6 Credit Hours = 1/2 Time Less than 6 Credit Hours = <1/2 Time
How Does VA Determines the Enrollment Student’s Status? (cont.) Veteran Affairs = The Begin and End Dates of All Classes. (Ex. Student registered for four classes (3 credit-hours each) for the Fall 2018 but they all have different begin and end dates.) In order for a VA student to receive full-time payment of benefits, they must be registered for full-time credits with the same begin and end dates.
How does VA Pay for the Classes the Student Selects? VA will pay for classes that are: Lecture (Face-to Face) Online (Distance Learning) Blended (Distance Learning) Developmental/Remedial (Face-to-Face) (Blended is considered “Distance Learning” because it does not meet the requirements for the number of contact hours according to Veteran Affairs.) Once all of the student’s paperwork is turned in to the Veteran Services Office and processed and depending on what chapter they are using will determine whether the student has to pay out of pocket first or VA will pay directly to the school.
How does VA Pay for the Classes the Student Selects? (cont.) Chapters 31 & 33 (Post 9/11 & Vocational Rehabilitation)-Paid directly to the school. They receive a monthly stipend and Business Office voucher. Chapters 30, 35, 1606, & 1607 (Mont. G.I. Bill, Dependents, Mont G.I. Bill-Selective Reserve, & REAP)-Students pays for everything and then receives a monthly stipend based on enrollment.
VA Will Pay for Blended, Online, & Developmental/Remedial Courses When: The course is needed to complete the program of study (obtain degree/certificate) The course has to be repeated if a better grade is needed. (Ex. Student failed a course and it is required to complete the program.) The student needs the remedial course to perform satisfactory in the subject area. (Ex. Math) The student is take courses without declaring a concentration of study (ONLY FOR TWO SEMESTERS!!)
Why VA Will Not Pay for Blended, Online, & Developmental/Remedial Courses: Class is not on the degree/certification plan. If the developmental/remedial course is online. If the student is taking one hour of PE (Kinesiology). If the student has exceeded the amount of hours of the certification. Low grade point average
Why VA Will Not Pay for Blended, Online, & Developmental/Remedial Courses: (cont.) A students enrollment has not been verified though processing or through WAVE. (WAVE is Web Automated Verification of Enrollment) (For Chp. 30, 1606, & 1607) Student wants to repeat the course for their own reason because they did not like the grade they received.
Federal Rules & Guidelines Department of Veteran Affairs set rules and regulations with Central Texas College. State Approval Agency completes an “Compliance Survey” to make sure that we are certifying the students correctly.
Consequences of Incorrect Certification: Student Indebtedness School Indebtedness Loss of Approval
Points of Contact (Veteran Services Staff) Annabelle Smith (254)526-1203 Patryce C. Kennerson (254)526-1666 Jose Lopez (P-Z) (254)526-1110 Trinnett Jackson (H-O) (254)526-1202 Trina Robinson (A-G) (254)526-1732 James Morgan (VS) (254)501-3094 Cindy Oswald (VS) (254)501-3095 Daniel Reyes, Jr. (254)526-1982