Linking Education and Health VMMC Session, IAC Durban Chris Castle, Chief, Section Health and Education Division of Inclusion, Peace and Sustainable Development UNESCO
Right to Education and Health Children and young people have a right to education and health Schools more than a convenient location to promote or deliver services to a large captive audience, but a place to learn about health and prepare for the future Young people demand that they receive education about sex and relationships, and access to SRH services
Comprehensive Sexuality Education (CSE) Essential part of prevention with young people Age-specific, scientifically accurate, culturally appropriate, delivered by trusted and trained adults Life skills including decision-making and negotiation, communication, tolerance and respect, where and how to access services
CSE Content SRH covering human development and puberty, family life, reproduction/pregnancy, gender equality, contraception/condoms, sexual behavior, STIs including HIV HIV specific information including on transmission, prevention/ PrEP/PEP, treatment, stigma and discrimination Early infant male circumcision and VMMC can and should be included
Education and Health Synergies Education increases knowledge, improve attitudes, values and skills, builds demand for services, and affects behaviors Adolescent and youth-friendly SRH services must also be available that are accessible, affordable or free and delivered in a non-judgmental manner Together CSE and AYFHS will make a huge difference and can help increase uptake of VMMC
Education and Health Working Together Making a youth-centered approach a reality School health and health-promoting schools School services and referral Integrate capacity building and training for education and health sectors Develop guidance, norms and standards for both sectors together
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