Draw this H L
Relationships As temperature increases pressure Relationships As temperature increases pressure? As moisture increases Pressure? As the difference between air temp and dew point temp INCREASES, moisture? As temp increases, pressure DECREASES As moisture increases, Pressure Decreases. As the difference between air temp and dew point temperature increases, the amount of moisture in the air DECREASES
1. Air temp = 20*C Dew Point = 18*C What is the Relative Humidity and Dew Point? 2. Dry Bulb Temp = 12*C Relative Humidity = 38% What is the Wet bulb Temp 1. 82% and 17 2. 6
Warm air rises over the Land because it is less dense Warm air rises over the Land because it is less dense. Cool air sinks over the water. This is a Sea breeze and occurs during the day