Summits of the Americas Secretariat Insert text here
The Summits of the Americas Process Summit of the Americas Consensus-building at the Highest level Set the Inter-American Agenda in the Summits Process Dialogue and collaborate on current, on-going, and future issues affecting the countries of the region Bring together the democratically-elected presidents and prime ministers from the Hemisphere Issue declarations, mandates, and commitments among government in consultation with key multilateral institutions and social actors A country’s balance of payment depends on, 1) Current Account Balance: its commodity trade 2) Capital Account Balance: its net inflow or outflow of private and public financial resources For many developing countries who are suffering from deficits on their current account balance, a continuous net inflow of foreign financial resources represents an important ingredient in their long-run development strategies. * Foreign Aid: Public and Private development assistance SAS provides support to the coordination of activities for Summit stakeholders, the management of various mechanisms that strengthen the process, and serves as the institutional memory of the Summits process 2
Summits of the Americas Process OAS Member States (SIRG, CISC) Joint Summit Working Group 12 institutions General Secretariat of the OAS - Summits of the Americas Secretariat Main Actors of the Summits Process Inter-American Ministerial Meetings Host Country (Colombia) Social Actors
Role of Main Actors in the Summits Process Through the Summits Process Main governing body of the SAP chaired by the Host country Act as a forum to facilitate planning of activities Ensure proper follow-up on implementation of Summit Mandates Negotiates the principal documents for the next Summit Two central advisory bodies: Steering Committee, Executive Council SIRG CISC Formal management mechanism for effective and efficient follow-up Serve as a bridge b/w the Permanent Council (OAS) and the SIRG (Summit) Serve as a forum to coordinate all OAS activities in the SAP Receives reports on the inter-American Ministerial Meetings Designs, implements and evaluates strategies to increase and facilitate civil society and other social actor’s participation in OAS and Summits Inter-American Ministerials JSWG *uneven impact reinforce dualistic economic structures Inappropriateness Produce Inappropriate products: demanded by a small, rich minority of the local population -Stimulate inappropriate consumption patterns: through advertising and their monopolistic market power -With inappropriate (capital-intensive) technologies: which could lead unemployment problem Inappropriate consumption – market distortion Inappropriate technoogies - it is common for MNCs invest in labor intensive industry based on cheap labor force, in some case, when capital-intensive technologies is used, it will cause unemployment problem Resource misallocation : not socially desirable projects, but the field that could benefit MNCs. Social Actors SAS 4
Through the Summits Process Inter-American Ministerials Role of Main Actors in the Summits Process Through the Summits Process The coordination of efforts b/w the Summits and the Ministerial processes is the key to set the inter-American agenda Instructions transmitted from Summits to the OAS General Assembly, which then issues mandates to the Permanent Council and its Committees, to the Secretariats of the Ministerial Processes and to the inter-American Commissions and Committees SIRG CISC Inter-American Ministerials Coordinate the support of 12 institutions to the Summits process Provide technical guidance to countries in the identification and negotiation of issues in the Summits process Plan and carry out projects and initiatives to implement Summit commitments Support inter-American ministerial meetings and their linkages Participates in Summit policy dialogues to exchange ideas for the Summits process JSWG *uneven impact reinforce dualistic economic structures Inappropriateness Produce Inappropriate products: demanded by a small, rich minority of the local population -Stimulate inappropriate consumption patterns: through advertising and their monopolistic market power -With inappropriate (capital-intensive) technologies: which could lead unemployment problem Inappropriate consumption – market distortion Inappropriate technoogies - it is common for MNCs invest in labor intensive industry based on cheap labor force, in some case, when capital-intensive technologies is used, it will cause unemployment problem Resource misallocation : not socially desirable projects, but the field that could benefit MNCs. Asia Social Actors SAS 5
Joint Summit Working Group - Institutional Partners
Role of Main Actors in the Summits Process Through the Summits Process Increasing role of civil society to consolidate democracy in the Summits process CSO has expanded to include Social actors (Indigenous Peoples, Afro-descendants, Youth, Private Sector, Labor Unions and Workers, Women and Gender Identity groups, Academia, Think- tanks, Persons with Disabilities) Active participation in both preparation and implementation SIRG CISC Serve as the technical secretariat to the SIRG Provide technical support to the CISC Chair and the PC Secretariat Strengthen the linkages and coordination among Ministerials Serves as Chair of the JSWG to assure support of the Group is effectively provided to the Summits process Facilitates participation of Social actors through: Forums (on-site and virtual), policy dialogues, and other consultations; Presentation of recommendations for consideration by OAS countries; and Official dialogues between States and Social Actors representatives Inter-American Ministerials JSWG *uneven impact reinforce dualistic economic structures Inappropriateness Produce Inappropriate products: demanded by a small, rich minority of the local population -Stimulate inappropriate consumption patterns: through advertising and their monopolistic market power -With inappropriate (capital-intensive) technologies: which could lead unemployment problem Inappropriate consumption – market distortion Inappropriate technoogies - it is common for MNCs invest in labor intensive industry based on cheap labor force, in some case, when capital-intensive technologies is used, it will cause unemployment problem Resource misallocation : not socially desirable projects, but the field that could benefit MNCs. Social Actors Social Actors SAS SAS 7
Reduction of poverty and inequality Access to and use of technology The Sixth Summit of the Americas Theme of the Summit: “Connecting the Americas: Partners for Prosperity" Six sub-themes: Summit Implementation Review Group (SIRG) –negotiates Summit documents JSWG – provides technical input and aligns commitments with institutional programming Social Actors – consultations and recommendations compiled and channeled to member states during negotiations Reduction of poverty and inequality Natural Disasters Access to and use of technology Security Physical Integration Regional cooperation
Key Results of Sixth Summit Consensus reached on action and commitments in five thematic areas (poverty & inequality; security; infrastructure; natural disasters; access to technology) Facilitated the participation and inputs of over 3,500 social actor participants in the preparatory process Unprecedented government engagement with social actors at Summit dialogue (13 Foreign Ministers and 2 Heads of State) Support pledged from institutional partners on follow-up and implementation of Summit commitments Frank and open high-level dialogue among member states on key hemispheric issues Mandate to OAS to assess current anti-drug policy and efforts
Follow Up and Implementation Summit Follow-up System (SISCA): Provides countries with tools for assessing progress towards attaining the goals of Summit mandates through results based management A virtual and interactive system which includes substantive data such as policies, strategies, obstacles and steps towards the implementation of mandates Improves the coordination between all actors of the system Allows the sharing of best practices and experiences in order to tackle priorities Solves the gap between “mandating and delivering” by helping to create a path for each base on its unique conditions and contexts
SUMMITS OF THE AMERICAS SECRETARIAT ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES Thank you! SUMMITS OF THE AMERICAS SECRETARIAT ORGANIZATION OF AMERICAN STATES 19th Street & Ave. Constitution, NW Washington, D.C. 20006 Concluyo aqui mi presentacion agradeciendoles por su atencion. Quisiera agradecerles por este espacio que nos han brindado y espero poder dialogar con todos ustedes si tienen alguna inquietud acerca de la presentacion o sobre el proceso de Cumbres y su participacion en el mismo. Muchas gracias! 11