CCPS membership meeting March 2009 Membership feedback survey Strategic planning 2009/10
Membership feedback survey INFORMATION PROVISION 97% think CCPS information is very important 83% think most information is relevant 81% usually feel better informed after meetings 80% visit the website at least every 3 months 88% generally find what they’re looking for on the site
Membership feedback survey REPRESENTATION 93% are aware of our arrangements for representing providers 78% read reports from representatives at least now and again 97% are satisfied with the way we represent providers
Membership feedback survey MEMBER RELATIONS 94% get plenty of information about what CCPS is doing 83% get plenty of opportunities to influence the agenda 100% get value for money from their membership fee
Strategic planning 100% of members feel that themes identified for the 08/09 plan are still relevant for 09/10: Service development and the provider response to personalisation and outcomes The changed policy, planning and funding environment for public services Commissioning and procurement
Highlights: events Event on demonstrating and evidencing outcomes Joint event with ADSW on commissioning, procurement and purchaser/provider relations Event on consortium and partnership approaches to service provision and tender responses Statement of value events (x2) Quarterly membership meetings, to include speakers on: personalisation, self-directed support and related issues workforce matters funding, commissioning and procurement
Highlights: information Briefing(s) on community planning Briefing(s) on procurement Briefing(s) on proposed new regulatory body Quarterly Information Digests New Stakeholder Bulletin Major website redesign to include micro-sites on Procurement Individual local authority areas Regulation
Highlights: research/influencing Second-wave Single Outcome Agreements Position statement on commissioning Protocol on clawback/surpluses, to be jointly progressed with ADSW Legislative process for new regulatory body ‘Business optimism’ survey Repeat concordat/funding impact survey Repeat re-tendering survey for tenders 2009 onwards Contribution to JIT good practice material on procurement
Highlights: other Work with specific local authorities Exploration of e-procurement portal CCPS governance review
Resources Draft budget: Income £534,100 Expenditure £539,366 Deficit budget (£5,266): Healthy reserves position Increase in membership fees limited to 2%