We'd never know how high we are till we are called to rise; and then, if we are true to plan, our statures touch the sky Emily Dickinson
Long –term Goals Prepare students who are well-versed with 21 st century skills. Those are creative, resourceful and able to identify and solve problems. Have ability to communicate in a range of ways.
Short-term Goals Design my questioners,work sheets and assignments linked to (WH) form questions which focus Remembering,Understanding and Applying to prepare my students gradually move towards Analysing,Evaluating & Creating. Organize interactive sessions to enhance communication skills which lead towards Analysing,Evaluating and Creating to gradually help transform my students move from Lower-Order Thinking to Higher-Order Thinking.
21 st Century Approaches & Skills Approaches 1. Listening & Speaking Skills 2. Giving Direction Skills 3. Questioning Skills 4. Observing &Monitoring Skills 5. Encouraging Skills 6. Intervening Skills Skills 1. Accountability &Adaptability 2. Communication Skills 3. Creativity &Intellect Curiosity 4. Critical Thinking &Systems 5. Information & Media Literacy Skills 6. Interpersonal & Collaborative Skills 7. Problem Identification Formulation & Solution 8. Self Direction 9. Social Responsibility
The Need For Change….. Has Your Classroom Changed? 21 st century teacher must know how to; act as a classroom facilitator establish a safe,supportive and positive learning environment plan for the long-term and short-term goals foster cooperation among students within the classroom encourage students' curiosity and intrinsic motivation to learn make students feel valued use language to foster self expression, identity and learning in her students listen thoughtfully and responsively
Your Path Towards Academic Excellence
How To Link Language & Bloom Taxonomy Language Genre Approach AppliedImprove Ability To; ComprehensionQuestioning Skills Giving Direction Skills Encouraging Skills Recall,Describe,Summarize,Interpret,Explain Predict,Organize,Plan, Produce CompositionGiving Direction Skills Observing & Monitoring Questioning Skills Encouraging Skills Recall,Classify,summerize,Compare,Explain, Execute, Implement,Organize,Check,Critique Generate,Plan,Produce GrammarListening Skills Giving Direction Skills Intervening Skills Recognize, Interpret, Classify, Compare, Implement,Differentiate,Check,Generate, Plan,Produce LiteratureGiving Direction Skills Questioning Skills Encouraging Skills Recognize, Recall, Interpret, Summarize, Compare, Explain,Differentiate,Organize, Attribute,Critique,Generate,Plan,Produce
Instructional Tasks & Strategies Topic /Tasks Suggested Techniques Comprehension : reading & understanding, Q/ A, vocabulary Composition : essaywriting,letters, reports,advertisement etc: Grammar : Conversation practice, worksheets, role plays etc: Literature: reading,explanation, Q/A, summeries, R.T.Cs, themes Improve observation power to give reasoning, facts and respond to variety of questions. Web site ( Acquire reading habit to expand ideas, imagination, vocabulary and knowledge to transform them into once own creativity. ( )How to write good Listen carefully to a fluent speaker, watch T.V news for clarity of pronunciation,situational tenses. Reading is mandatory. Resource (The Good Grammar Book) Feel the love for literature,make key notes related to the characters and situations,study the plot line, exchange ideas for comparisons and contrast.
Challenges Solutions Hesitation in speaking English Reluctance in making rough drafts Group conflicts Lack of reading Poor vocabulary Encouragement through incentives Develop realization for planning and doing for better outcome Counseling, Constant supervision, Highlight the importance of good communication skills. Encouragement through certificates weekly reading sessions. Dictionary is must for everyone.
Time Line AugustSeptemberOctoberNovemberDecember Comprehension (unseen)Unit:1-4 Comprehension Unit: 5-8 Comprehension Unit:9-11 Comprehension Unit:12-15 Descriptive Essay Comic Strip Narrative Essay Diary Writing Report Writing Imaginative Essay Letter Writing Formal & Informal Advertisement Parts of Speech Tenses Noun Phrases Adverb Phrases Tenses Review Direct &Indirect Speech Types of Sentences Active Passive voice Figures of Speech Revision Plan To Be Followed for Literature Chapter 1-6 Q/A Literature Chapter 7-12 Q/A,R.T.C Literature Chapter Q/ A, Characters Literature Chapter Themes Mid-Year Exams Class Assignment 1Class Assignment 2Class Assignment 3 &4 Oral Presentation Scheduled Test 1Scheduled Test 2Scheduled Test 3Scheduled Test 4
How To Develop Collaborative Environment Prepare to compromise Avoid taking things personally Focus on the well-being of the project Communicate effectively Identify challenges Participate in team building activities Organize open forums to open to and exchange ideas
Resources Acknowledgements Material ResourceHuman Resource Internet Computer Lab Text Books Intel Teach Guide School Curriculum Ms. Huma Arshad (Headmistress) Ms.Iffat Ansari,Ms.Uzma (Intel Instructors) Computer Lab Assistant Colleague Teachers
Learning Is Fun Not A Burden Happy Learning !