Instructional Technology Facilitator Larry Gerulis Instructional Technology Facilitator 414-6562 I am the Instructional Technology Facilitator for your campus and here are some things that I can do for you: 1.Sit on your campus technology committee as a district representative 2.Assist with the implementation of the Technology Applications TEKS 3.Deliver professional development that supports your technology plan with the following resources: Use of Inspiration for graphic organizers--excellent tool for brainstorming and planning Use of PowerPoint or iMovie--tools for synthesizing and sharing what has been learned technology skills tutorials skills lessons that address the Technology Applications TEKS Saving work to the district servers (server farms)--crucial for ongoing student writing projects United Streaming--content-related videos "streamed" into the classroom 4.Assist with productivity tools that enhance campus communication (Notes email and Notes Campus Calendar) 5.Implement best practices in classroom technology integration through modeling and team teaching .