ECONOMICS: September 26 Warm-up Analyzing the S of video games—two S graphs: Graph 1—the P of video games falls; Graph 2: the government places pollution control regulations on video game producers Learning Target #1 In order to understand the concept of S, I will explore the factors that cause a change in S. I will know I have it when, given various scenarios, I can accurately differentiate between a change in Qs and a change in S on a S graph. --conclude Supply Enrichment Activity (HO from yesterday) Learning Target #2 In order to understand the theory of production, I will analyze the production schedules and the production function. I will know I have it when I can draw an accurately labeled production function. Ch. 5, Lesson 2 & 3 Lesson Guide (HO) --the production schedule --the production function: increasing, diminishing, & negative returns --fixed, variable, and total costs Closure What impacts your productivity? Assignment Read Chapter 6, Lesson 2