Middle School Science in the Bellmore-Merrick Central High School District
Present Model of Support/Enrichment Currently there are two different paths students can take in Middle School Science: Science 7R Life Science Science 8R Physical and Chemical Science Grade 8 ILS Exam Science 7/8A Life and Physical Science Science 8A PS: Earth Science NYS Regents exam in Earth Science
Updated Model of Support/Enrichment (2015+) Science 8R: For students who are on track in math and science, maintaining an average below 90. On or approaching grade level Science 7R Life Science Demonstrated strength in science and math Science 8A Earth Science: For students who were accelerated in 7th grade OR have excelled in 7R science and math Science 7/8A Life and Physical Science Demonstrated strength in science and math Advanced Placement courses in Biology, Chemistry, Environmental Science, Physics, Psychology 9A Living Environment 10A Chemistry 11A Physics More High School Opportunities
Contact Us for More Information Rochelle Battersby Merrick Ave Middle School (516) 992 – 1243 rbattersby@bellmore-merrick.k12.ny.us Dr. Pat Mannion Grand Ave Middle School (516) 992 – 1141 pmannion@bellmore-merrick.k12.ny.us Rob Soel STEM Chair (516) 992 – 1444 rsoel@bellmore-merrick.k12.ny.us