M. Biagini, S. Guiducci ECLOUD WG webex meeting December 15, 2009 SB2009 lattice update M. Biagini, S. Guiducci ECLOUD WG webex meeting December 15, 2009 12/15/09 ECLOUD WG Global Design Effort
DSB3 Lattice The lattice presented at LCWS09, Albuquerque, has been posted on the Cornell wiki site: https://wiki.lepp.cornell.edu/ilc/bin/view/Public/DampingRings/WebHome - Damping_Rings_Parameters_and_Lat With respect to the LCWS09 version the tunes have been changed to improve the dynamic aperture. The lattice is still in a preliminary stage of development and requires further work on dynamic aperture optimization Based on previous experience, we are confident that by proper tuning of phase advances and the sextupole distribution, an adequate dynamic aperture for the positron injected emittance can be achieved. 12/15/09 ECLOUD WG
DSB Lattice 3.2 Km 12/15/09 ECLOUD WG
RF and Wiggler straight section 12/15/09 ECLOUD WG
Injection Extraction straight section 12/15/09 ECLOUD WG
DR Parameters 12/15/09 ECLOUD WG
Magnet counts DSB3 (3.2km) Arc dipole length 2.7 m Arc dipole field (2 types) 0.26/0.36 T Number of arc dipoles 128 Chicane dipole field 0.27 T Number of 1 m dipoles (in chicanes) 48 Total number of quadrupoles 494 Quadrupole length 0.73 - 0.3 m Maximum quadrupole gradient 17 T/m Total number of sextupoles 192 Maximum sextupole gradient 150 T/m2 12/15/09 ECLOUD WG