Conceptual Background
Administrative Return Journals and talk about how they will continue to be graded
Review Quotations about the capacity of work to make us unhappy Work as a source of identity? How do we describe ourselves How does the type of work we do affect how we describe ourselves?
Today The Organization of Work Methods of payment and their impact
I. The Organization of Work What are the sources of authority at work? What does it mean to say authority at work is hierarchical? Has authority at work always been hierarchical? Are there currently workplaces where it is not? What factors make authority at work legitimate or illegitimate?
I. The Organization of Work What does Weber mean by “Bureaucracy” How does Weber feel about bureaucracy? How does this contrast with the commonly used meaning of the word?
I. The Organization of Work Are there non-bureaucratic ways to organize work and work places? Would this work? Why don’t we see it more often?
II. Methods of Payment and Their Impact If you own a factory, what systems are available to pay the people who work for you? Day work Piece Rates Salary Others (be creative)
II. Other Methods of Payment Profit sharing Other forms of gain sharing (e.g. stock or bonuses) Group piece rates
Next Time Begin the New Workplace