IPv6 Deployment and Development in CERNET
CERNET Founded in 1995 155Mbps+ backbone 700+ education and research organizations over 125 cities in the Mainland of China Connecting 3 million users Its National Center is located in Tsinghua U.
CERNET IPv6 Activities Testbed and Deployment Research and Development Projects Publication
2 parts: official and student CERNET IPv6 Testbed Since April 1998 First tunnel to Merit First BGP peer to Sprint p-TLA 3ffe:3200::/24 since November 1998 Connecting CERNET all backbone site and about 20 universities 2 parts: official and student
CERNET IPv6 Testbed 2 Parts Topology Classroom for CERNET IPv6 Network Official part follows CERNET IPv4 operation rules Student part stimulates students participation expands experimental activities Classroom for CERNET IPv6 Network CERNET IPv6 Backbone -- 2001:250::/35, the only IPv6 SubTLA in China, assigned by APNIC in April 2000; 6 months experience in the testbed is required for getting blocks in the CERNET IPv6 networks.
CERNET IPv6 2001 A native network in Beijing A tunneled backbone nation-wide Tunnel broker services for students
CERNET IPv6 Projects National Project IPv6 Demo System Testbed design and deployment Address allocation policy Demo network running IPv6-enabled applications Transition demo -- an IPv6/v4 web proxy
CERNET IPv6 Projects CERNET-Nokia Joint Project IP650 nation-wide IPv6 networking Key technology research Example: Tunnel Broker Implementation and Improvement See http://www.internet6.com.cn/ for details
CERNET IPv6 Publications Chinese version homepages - http://www.ipv6.net.edu.cn/ - http://ngtrans.6test.edu.cn/ - http://www.njnet6.edu.cn/ - http://v6rt.ecn.6test.edu.cn/ Chinese-original IPv6 Book IPv6 Principles and Practices
Future: IPv6 University Networks The only solution China: 74 A-class blocks needed if each one holds an IPv4 address! THU: 20,000 student net-players who are using Internet in their dormitory! Tunnel Broker driven transition - A mandatory IPv6 address for each student - Mobility support
Picture is copied from http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/ We Believe Next generation of the network engineers and scientists of China will come from today’s net players. Where are they today? Picture is copied from http://www.tsinghua.edu.cn/