Let’s talk a bit…
Do you struggle with prayer?
Do you agree or disagree? If I don’t pray in the morning God won’t bless me so much during the day. If I pray more my spiritual life will grow more. Prayer is asking God to do things for us. Do you agree or disagree?
Prayer is not me asking God into my world to solve my problems, but God asking me into His world to serve His purposes.
Prayer is exceedingly difficult. True prayer needs to be learnt.
The People's Prayer
Index Praying
Man’s Heart open to God God’s Heart open to Man Worshipping the Father GOD / MAN/ ENEMY Man’s Heart open to God Worshipping the Father God’s Kingdom God’s Will. Guidance. Daily Needs God’s Heart open to Man Forgiveness/ relationships Spiritual Warfare
FATHERHOOD means:- Access - I’m Invited - I’m Welcomed Acceptance Attention - I’m Heard
With one voice we cry, “Come, your Kingdom; be done, your will!”